Technology: Primer of Wealth Creation

Published on 5th December 2006

In a rifle, the primer is the needle which is hit by the hammer and pierces the bottom of the bullet, causing the bullet to explode. It is something which starts a reaction. The firing pin is the primer in the gun. By use of the gun, free people have been transformed into slaves, and ordinary people into masters of others, altering the course of the society.


In social evolution, the primer is science and technology. When there is change in science and technology, changes in society occur. When early human beings invented fire, there were a lot of changes. Before fire was invented, they were living on trees. They feared to go into caves, as they could not even see what was inside. When they invented fire, they could go into the caves, light fire, expel darkness and warm the damp interior of the caves. They stopped being tree dwellers and became cave dwellers.


The invention of fire was the primer for big change in early man. Instead of eating raw food, he started roasting it. His digestive system also changed, so did his physiology.


Countries that are technologically backward are likely to be slaves in future. There is no group that has lagged behind in technology and remained free. That is why the resolution by the African Science Ministers to prevail upon heads of African states to declare 2007 a Year of Science, Technology and Research should be supported by all Africans. Backward countries underutilize the factors of production: land, labour, capital and natural resources. They have no eyes or ‘spectacles’ to see the available opportunities, let alone take advantage of them.


With emphasis on technology, Africa’s dormant potential to exploit her resources and add value to her products will be released. What is regarded as a menace, such as plastic wastes will be converted to wealth creating use. Increasing population will not be viewed as a scourge as few people will be able to produce enough food hence freeing the rest to engage in other service industries. Fighting over space will be a thing of the past as innovative housing that makes use of upper space will be harnessed. There will be improved health, hence spending more time doing productive work and spending money that would have been spent on healthcare in starting income generating activities.


This issue tackles globalization, accountability, science and technology and branding of Africa among other issues.

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