Enactus Kenya Champions Industry and Academia Linkage to Promote Smart Solutions and Employability Skills

Published on 31st January 2019

Enactus Kenya has rolled out a platform that will enable private sector, active in use of modern technology and smart solutions, to adopt its affiliate universities to jointly pilot on projects with students.

In a bid to catalyze direct industry connection with 34 Universities affiliated to Enactus Kenya, the Enactus Kenya Business Advisory Council last year selected the theme “Technology and Smart Solutions for Challenges Facing Kenya” to guide all university team project activities in 2019. Enactus teams are now expected to develop smart technological solutions that promote decent work, solve societal challenges and ultimately spur economic growth.

To kickstart this process, Enactus Kenya is hosting faculty members and students’ leaders from its affiliate universities at Strathmore University January 31, 2019 – February 1, 2019 to facilitate brainstorming sessions and subsequent selection of project focus areas.

“As Kenya strives to join the league of countries with smart cities, we are proud to inculcate smart and sustainable solutions among the youth,” Nadja Khan, HR and Marketing Business Partner – WECA.

“This synergy between companies, faculty and students is crucial to help drive entrepreneurial action and innovation in technology that will ultimately yield employable youths,” Kinyua M’Mbijjewe, Enactus Kenya Business Advisory Council Chairman.

“The Industry – Academia connection is vital to catalyze uptake of modern technology and smart solutions. Working with students through their projects is a confidence building step towards high employability skills. I am happy with Giza Systems and Syngenta for their early bird status,” says James Shikwati Enactus Kenya Country Leader and Inter Region Economic Network Director (IREN).

Enactus is a community of students, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to enable human progress.  It operates in 36 countries and in over 1,700 universities worldwide. It was established in Kenya in 2003 through an MOU with Inter Region Economic Network Ltd. Enactus Kenya currently operates in over 30 universities in Kenya (both public and private).

About Enactus Kenya

Enactus Kenya (Then SIFE Kenya) was launched in 2002 following an M.O.U between Enactus International (Then SIFE International) and Inter Region Economic Network Ltd (IREN). The organization operates in 34 colleges and universities, with more than 2500 students participating.

Enactus is an international organization that brings together students, academic and business leaders who are committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to shape a better, more sustainable world. Guided by faculty advisors and business experts, participating students form teams on their campuses to create and implement community projects that empower people in need.

The experience not only transforms lives, it helps students develop the skills and perspective necessary to become effective, values-driven leaders. Founded in 1975, today Enactus has more than 66,500 student participants on campuses in 36 countries globally.

Website: enactus.org/country/kenya/

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