Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Wins 2019 Varsity Business Exposition

Published on 18th June 2019

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University (JOOUST) emerged top in the just concluded 17th Enactus Kenya National Exposition. The team`s project dubbed ``Project Hyatech`` involved working with over 250 people with disability to make briquettes for sale and use gas derived from water hyacinth as alternative fuel. The products were partly marketed through a chatbot app.  The team which trounced 13 other Enactus Kenya Affiliate teams from both public and private universities will represent Kenya at the Enactus World Cup 2019 in Silicon Valley, San Jose, California, USA come September 16-18, 2019.

Enactus Kenya student members develop projects to address challenges facing communities as part of skilling process. Student projects focused on education, agribusiness, housing, energy, waste management, mining, and voter management. Each university was required to align their project activity to theme: “Tech and Smart Solutions for challenges facing Kenya.” Enactus Kenya is encouraging universities to embrace the integration of machine and internet of things.   The first runners up, Moi University Main Campus, focused on waste management and second runners up, Moi West Campus focused on mushroom production. 

“With 34 University teams, Enactus Kenya has revamped its portfolio and overcome tremendous challenges to reach where it is today - a thriving community of entrepreneurial students who are self-driven to solving the challenges they see around them through business and innovations,” said Kinyua M’Mbijjewe, Enactus Kenya Board Chair.

The United States of America Ambassador to Kenya, Kyle MacCarter emphasized on the need to tap on Kenya’s youthful population as a demographic dividend. “Youth are Kenya`s ultimate capital.  They should be empowered to drive the country’s development and make it attractive as an investment destination,” he said.

Business leaders from 25 companies participated in the event as judges. Enactus Kenya has continuity plans to connect industry with its affiliate universities to align projects to global trends in technology. 

About Enactus Kenya

Enactus Kenya has facilitated skills development for over 4,500 undergraduate students through experiential learning. This has been achieved through community development projects, training and annual national and international competitions organized by Enactus Kenya for the last 16 years. Enactus’ mission is to create a partnership between business and higher education and equip students with innovative ideas that attract investment through community projects, knowledge sharing and competitions.

Enactus Kenya (Then SIFE Kenya) was launched in 2002 following an M.O.U between Enactus International (Then SIFE International) and Inter Region Economic Network Ltd (IREN). The organization operates in 34 colleges and universities, with more than 2500 participating students.

Website: enactus.org/country/kenya/

For more information contact: Ivy Vuguza, IREN Communications and Digital Content Manager, Tel: +254 20-2731497 | Cell:  071508505 Email: ivy@irenkenya.com

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