The Coronavirus and 5G Technology Link

Published on 17th March 2020

Truth is the first casualty in this coronavirus saga. The US and China much as they create the impression that there is trade rivalry between them are collaborating in certain areas. News of biological weapons warfare is surfacing and these countries blame each other for the emergence of the coronavirus. Africans and other nations have been caught up in this ugly US-China collaborative effort and cover up.

Various independent researchers say that there is a link between the coronavirus outbreak and 5G connection. They continue to say it doesn’t mean the bioweapons connection is false, but rather broadens the scope of the entire event. Wuhan was one of the test cities chosen for China 5G rollout; 5G went live there on the 31st October 2019, about 2 months before the coronavirus outbreak began. Many scientific documents on the health effects of 5G have verified that it causes flu-like symptoms. Numerous scientists have warned about the dangerous health effects of 5G, including cancer risk, cellular stress, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders and harmful effects to both plants and animals.

It is because of these dangers to human health and environmental degradation that it has already been banned in many places such as Brussels, the Netherlands and parts of Switzerland, Ireland, Italy, Germany, the UK, the USA, Australia and Russia. 

Following news of the coronavirus disease outbreak, some African countries, especially South Africa, have put in place measures to deal with the spread of the disease. On 15th March, (The Ides of March for those who still remember Shakepeare’s Julius Ceasar) President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation and outlined measures to be taken to address the spread of the disease and said that on Monday, 16th of March, 2020, Cabinet Ministers would address a joint media briefing. In that Cabinet Ministers media briefing, the Minister of Justice, Ronald Lamola, stretched it a bit too far when he invoked the State of Emergency Act of 1997 and what he called far-reaching powers the government was going to use to deal with gatherings.

The leadership of the PAC decided to call off the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre that was supposed to take place on the 21st of March, 2020. They were followed by the EFF. Soccer matches have also been cancelled. The jury is still out on the Easter pilgrims of the Zion Christian Church.

Taking  the cue from the US and other European countries, the ANC government has put restrictions on visits from affected countries like China, USA, Iran, South Korea and some European countries like Italy. It has banned gatherings such as the commemoration of the Sharpeville massacre.

African governments and scientists failed to do their own research on Aids from the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Since 1994, the South African government never did its own research on Aids. It was former President Thabo Mbeki who challenged the Aids orthodoxy and conventional approach to Aids and assembled a group of scientists to look into the Aids issue. Mbeki invited the wrath of the West.

Furthermore, South Africa doesn’t grab the bull by its horns and admonish world powers that they are in violation of the convention on biological and chemical weapons by creating deadly viruses and unleashing 5G effects on humans. The South African government is scared of China and the US because it gets support and some favours from these rivals.

According to Dr Abdul Alim Muhammad, the current coronavirus is COVID 20 and not Covid 19 which was genetically engineered by Harvard scientist Professor Charles Lieber. Professor Lieber, #DrAbdulAlimMuhammad #COVID19 #Coronavirus. It has also been reported in the US media that Professor Lieber was arrested in January this year by Federal Agents for lying to the Department of Defense about secret monthly payments of $50,000.00 paid by China and receipt of millions more to help set up a chemical/biological “Research” laboratory in China. Also arrested were two Chinese “students” working as research assistants, one of whom was actually a lieutenant in the Chinese Army. The other one was captured at Logan Airport as he tried to catch a flight to China – smuggling 21 vials of “Sensitive Biological Samples,” according to the FBI.

The research laboratory Professor Lieber helped set up is located at the Wuhan University of Technology. The report denies Professor Lieber has anything to do with the coronavirus. However, Dr Muhammad explains where Professor Lieber got the virus and how he engineered it. The story of Professor Lieber might well be propaganda because the US and China seem to be collaborating on this dangerous 5G technology which can also be used for crowd control. China and the US are obsessed with controlling people.

If 5G affects reproductive organs, it is clear that the main purpose is population control. In the US, African Americans are targeted as a means of checking their population growth. There are more young African American males in US prisons than there are in colleges and universities. If males who carry the seed are targeted, then there is no way there will be population growth in the population that is so targeted because those who carry the seed are killed or are in jail. In animal husbandry, a particular breed of animal, that is not preferred is culled by castrating or emasculating.

As we focus on the coronavirus, we should also reflect on the 5G technology.

By Sam Ditshego

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