Declaration of the Second Russia–Africa Summit

Published on 1st August 2023

July 28, 2023

We, the Heads of State and Government of the Russian Federation and African States recognized by the United Nations (UN) (hereinafter also referred to as the Russian Federation and African States), and representatives of the African Union and Africa's leading integration organizations, gathered on 28 July 2023 in Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation) to participate in the Second Russia–Africa Summit,

Reaffirming the principles and objectives enshrined in the Declaration of the First Russia–Africa Summit (Sochi, 24 October 2019), which laid the strategic foundation for our relations in the 21st century,

Building on the historical and time-tested friendly ties between the Russian Federation and African States, mutual respect and trust, traditions of joint struggle for the eradication of colonialism and the establishment of independence of African States,

Welcoming the growing importance of African States and the African Union as the leading continental organization in international affairs, which reflects the increasing global role and influence of Africa as an essential pillar of the multipolar world,

Reaffirming the need to jointly oppose neo-colonialism, imposing conditions and double standards while not allowing these practices to deprive States and peoples of the right to make sovereign choices of their development paths,

Committed to the fundamental principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter, subscribing to safeguarding and upholding international law and emphasizing the need for the adherence thereto by all States,

Confirming the shared responsibility of the Russian Federation and African States for shaping a just and stable world order based on the principles of sovereign equality of States, non-interference in their internal affairs, respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and the right of all peoples to self-determination as provided, inter alia, by UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, as well as the need to preserve national identity and national resources, cultural and civilizational diversity and to protect traditional values,

Recognizing the central role of sovereign States in decision-making, including in the maintenance of international peace and security, while respecting the diversity of value systems of States and nations within multilateral fora,

Welcoming the readiness of the Russian Federation to continue its consistent support for strengthening the national sovereignty of African States as well as all their security dimensions,

Sharing and supporting the aspirations of African States as enshrined in the African Union's Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the UN General Assembly in its Resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015,

Expressing deep concern over the challenges related to global food security, including the rise in food and fertilizer prices, as well as the disruption of international supply chains, which disproportionately impact the African continent,

Confirming the willingness to reconcile approaches to energy cooperation issues, with a focus on finding pragmatic, efficient, consensual and sustainable solutions to ensure energy security, access to modern and clean energy sources, eradicate energy poverty and overcome energy shortage,

Welcoming the determination of the Russian Federation to continue providing assistance to African States in order to address issues related to the provision of food, fertilizers and energy resources, as well as carry out international development assistance projects,

Opposing aggressive nationalism, neo-Nazism, neo-fascism, Afrophobia, Russophobia, all forms of racism and racial discrimination as well as discrimination based on religion, belief or origin, xenophobia and related intolerance against in particular but not limited to migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers,

Confirming the importance of establishing and developing effective channels for interaction between integration organizations in which the Russian Federation and the African continent participate,

Acting in accordance with the national legislations of the Russian Federation and African States, have agreed as follows:

Mechanism for Dialogue Partnership

1. Strengthen the role of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum as the cornerstone of Russia-Africa multilateral cooperation that implements the decisions of the Summit.

2. In the period between Summits, hold annual political consultations between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, as well as between Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and African Statesand the African Union Commission, in addition to the existing format of dialogue with the present, former and future Presidencies of the African Union.

3. Initiate the creation of a permanent top-level Russia-Africa dialogue mechanism to operate within the African Union Multilateral Partnership framework, in order to coordinate efforts against terrorism and extremism, including violent extremism conducive to terrorism, address environmental, food, and information security issues, participate jointly in African Union programmes on developing the architecture of peace, stability and security.

Political and Legal Cooperation

4. Enhance equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between the Russian Federation and African States in order to contribute tо the establishment of a more just, balanced and stable multipolar world order, firmly opposing all types of international confrontation in the African continent.

5. Contribute to further promoting the central coordinating role of the United Nations as the main global multilateral mechanism for aligning the interests of United Nations Member States and their actions to achieve the goals of the UN Charter as well as to ensure respect for the universally recognized principles and norms of international law enshrined therein.

6. Coordinate, within the United Nations Security Council, approaches towards sanctions policies with regard to African States, including with a view to further easing and lifting restrictive measures that are no longer relevant.

7. Work together to counter the use of illegitimate unilateral tools and methods, including the application of coercive measures in circumvention of the United UN Council and their extraterritorial application, as well as the imposition of approaches that harm primarily the most vulnerable and undermine international food and energy security.

8. Cooperate to achieve the UN Security Council reform taking into account the geopolitical realities and the Common African Position based on the 2005 Ezulwini Consensus and Sirte Declaration with a view to strengthening the representation of Africa in the Council and addressing the historical injustice against it.

9. Counter the imposition in international organizations, primarily in the UN, of dividing lines that hinder the effective search for solutions to pressing issues on the UN agenda, including those that affect vital interests of African States.

10. Strengthen coordination between the permanent missions to the United Nations of the Russian Federation and African States, including African non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, to jointly promote common interests.

11. Strengthen cooperation within other international organizations and consider expanding the practice of providing mutual support at elections to their governing bodies and in decision-making on issues of importance for the Russian Federation and African States in accordance with their national interests and international obligations.

12. Contribute to the effectiveness of secretariats of international and regional organizations underlining the importance of avoiding politicization of their activities and work together to ensure that States that host the headquarters of international organizations comply fully with their obligations so that representatives of member states can freely exercise their powers.

13. Help enhance the BRICS–Africa partnership and establish the Collective Security Treaty Organization–African Union dialogue, as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization–African Union dialogue.

14. Contribute to completing the decolonization process in Africa and work to ensure compensation for the economic and humanitarian damage inflicted on African States by colonial policies, including the restitution of cultural property displaced in the process of colonial plundering.

15. Work together to counter manifestations of neo-colonial policies that aim to undermine the sovereignty of States, deprive them of the freedom to make their own decisions, and plunder their natural resources.

16. Step up efforts to combat contemporary forms of racism and racial discrimination, as well as discrimination based on religion, belief or origin, including xenophobia and related intolerance, aggressive nationalism, neo-Nazism and neo-fascism, and resolve to cooperate together to achieve the full implementation of the 2001 Durban Declaration and Progamme of Action (DDPA). Emphasize the increasing relevance of joint actions to combat these forms of intolerance in the context of overcoming the consequences of colonialism, slavery, the slave trade, including the trans-Atlantic slave trade, which were recognized an appalling tragedy in the history of humanity. Counter the dehumanization, including in the media environment, of entire nations, the cancel culture with regard to their civilizational heritage, as well as any kind of cultural appropriation, including prohibition of the use of the mother tongue.

17. Adhere to the principles of international law, as reflected in the UN Charter and the Declaration adopted on 24 October 1970 on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the United Nations Charter.

18. Consolidate the efforts of the Russian Federation and African States, which advocate for restoring the universal respect for international law and strengthening its role as the foundation of international relations. Resist attempts to substitute, revise, or arbitrarily interpret the principles of international law.

19. Oppose initiatives and concepts aimed at creating alternatives to international law, work together to promote stable and just international order based on the universally recognized principles and norms of international law enshrined in the UN Charter.

20. Strongly believe that the principle of sovereign equality of States is crucial for the stability of international relations.

21. Uphold all the principles of the UN Charter including its Article 2 and Article 51.

22. Adhere to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of States and oppose the extraterritorial application by States of their national laws in violation of international law.

23. Use peaceful diplomatic means, such as dialogue, negotiations, consultations, mediation, and good offices, to resolve international disputes and conflicts, settle them on the basis of mutual respect, compromise, and the balance of legitimate interests.

24. Contribute to improving the mechanism for applying international sanctions based on the exclusive competence of the UN Security Council to impose such measures and the need to ensure their effectiveness in maintaining international peace and security and preventing the deterioration of the humanitarian situation.

25. Oppose the application of illegitimate unilateral restrictive measures, including secondary ones, as well as the practice of freezing sovereign foreign exchange reserves. Reaffirm the unacceptability of using political blackmail to bring leaders of third countries to implement such measures or influence the political and economic policies of States.

26. Reaffirm the continued importance for the Russian Federation and the African States of the universally recognized principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, which has provided the legal basis for the decolonization process.

27. Stand in solidarity to eradicate the practice of confrontation in international affairs, and resist discrediting certain States for political reasons, introducing political or economic restrictive measures under the pretext of human rights advocacy, oppose attempts by certain States to use unfounded accusations of human rights violations as an excuse for interfering in internal affairs and disrupting activities of international organizations. Contribute to the non-politicized, equitable, and mutually respectful nature of human rights advocacy and promotion and protection of human rights.

28. Strengthen Russia–Africa inter-parliamentary cooperation and coordinate efforts so that international parliamentary events take decisions and adopt resolutions consistent with the interests of the Russian Federation and African States. Hold regular international Russia-Africa parliamentary conferences that would contribute to establishing a regular dialogue between the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and national parliaments of African States, as well as to developing the cooperation of bilateral friendship groups.

29. Strengthen dialogue between political parties, help the major political forces in the Russian Federation and African States coordinate their positions, including at international and regional fora and conferences, with a view to promoting cooperation between Russia and Africa based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, adherence to international law, independence and sovereignty of States.

30. Strengthen cooperation among regions and municipalities, including expanding sister-city ties. Improve the visibility of such cooperation as an important element that promotes multidimensional cooperation between the Russian Federation and African States.

31. Promote people-to-people contacts by drawing on the potential of constructive non-governmental organizations and various fora, including youth fora.

Security Cooperation

32. Strengthen cooperation between States to counter new challenges and threats, in particular terrorism, extremism, including violent extremism conducive to terrorism, transnational organized crime, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, piracy and armed robbery at sea, based on strict compliance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, primarily the UN Charter and relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and taking into account the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

33. Work consistently to increase the level of trust among States and strengthen global and regional stability based on the principle of equal and indivisible security for all States.

34. Continue close cooperation to resolve and prevent conflicts in Africa. The principle of ”African solutions to African problems“ should continue to serve as the basis for conflict resolution.

35. Facilitate African peace efforts on the continent by strengthening the relevant capacities of African States. Advocate for effective measures to enhance the predictability, reliability, sustainability and flexibility of funding for African peace operations under the auspices of the UN Security Council, particularly through the provision of UN assessed contributions and fully-funded African Union Peace Fund.

36. Make joint efforts to ensure long-term food and energy security of the African continent. Strengthen cooperation in countering unlawful unilateral restrictive measures placing African countries at risk of food and energy shortages.

37. Contribute to strengthening and developing the international political framework for maintaining strategic stability, arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. Collaborate in ensuring the integrity, viability and universalization of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 12 June 1968, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction of 10 April 1972, and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction of 13 January 1993. Counter attempts to erode the existing architecture of international instruments on arms control, nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

38. Counter the attempts to employ international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation instruments for political purposes not associated with the subject matter of these arrangements.

39. Continue to take joint steps to prevent an arms race in outer space and to preserve it exclusively for peaceful uses for the benefit of all mankind. In this regard, reaffirm the urgent need for a legally binding multilateral instrument establishing reliable guarantees of non-placement of weapons in outer space and non-use or threat of use of force against outer space objects. Support the efforts aimed at the globalization of the international initiative on the no first placement of weapons of any kind in outer space, and call upon all States to join this political commitment.

40. Join efforts within the UN to build an international information security system in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter. Uphold the central role of States in addressing the information and communication technology (ICT) security issues. Work towards establishing universal legally binding norms in this area. Seek the timely adoption of a comprehensive UN convention on countering the use of ICTs for criminal purposes. Jointly support the establishment of an equitable and transparent interstate system of Internet governance, while preserving the sovereign right of States to regulate national segments of the global network. Facilitate efforts to bridge the digital divide.

Trade and Economic Cooperation

41. Encourage further strengthening of trade, economic, and investment cooperation between the Russian Federation and African States. Foster the economic, trade and investment partnership between the Russian Federation and the African Union, as well as the leading African regional organizations – the Arab Maghreb Union, the Southern African Development Community, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, the East African Community, the Economic Community of West African States, the Economic Community of Central African States, and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development.

42. Welcome the operationalisation of the African Continental Free Trade Area in order to enhance the market integration, industrialisation and economic development of the African continent by facilitating technology transfer and encouraging investment. In this regard facilitate further cooperation between the Russian Federation and Africa in attracting investment, promoting the development of value chains and boosting mutual capacity to produce and export value added manufactured products.

43. Facilitate equitable access of all States to the benefits of the world economy and the international division of labour, as well as to modern technologies to support equitable and even development.

44. Contribute to sustainable and comprehensive economic growth, and a more representative system of international economic governance to respond effectively to global and regional economic and financial challenges.

45. Oppose any unilateral measures, protectionism and discrimination, and continue efforts aimed at implementing the Sustainable Development Goals to make the global economic system more oriented towards attainment of economic and social rights, including the right to development.

46. Stress the need for inclusive multilateral financial measures that provide relief of the debt burden for low- and middle-income countries.

47. Call for concrete actions to reform the policies and practices of the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to scale up financing for developing countries to assist them in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

48. Facilitate the restructuring of the global financial architecture to better address the growing developmental needs and reflect the interests and increasing influence of developing countries, as well as to overcome the adverse impact of conditions imposed on them in relation to the full and effective enjoyment of human rights.

49. Welcome membership of the African Union in the G20. Enhance the African representation in the G20.

50. Agree on the need to reform the WTO to ensure an open, transparent, inclusive, and non-discriminatory world trading system while preserving the WTO fundamental principles, including the special and differential treatment for developing and the least developed countries. The reform process should be inclusive, transparent and member-driven.

51. Provide support to Russian and African entrepreneurs in exploring ways of mutually beneficial cooperation.

52. Provide the necessary assistance to efforts to formalize the dialogue between the Eurasian Economic Union and Africa’s regional and other integration structures in order to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of sustainable economic development, industry, agriculture, trade, digital economy, logistics, business development, and in other matters within the competence of these integration structures.

53. Encourage cooperation between the Russian Federation and African States in the field of trade, industrial development and investment flows facilitation, in particular within the framework of the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (2016–2025) proclaimed by the UN General Assembly.

54. Assist the work of bilateral Russian-African intergovernmental commissions, committees on trade and economic, scientific and technical cooperation, and sectoral working groups, encourage the establishment of new partnerships between the Russian Federation and African States.

55. Work together to ensure access to reliable, modern and clean energy sources in order to improve access to energy and eradicate energy poverty and overcome energy shortage with due regard to their obligations under international law.

56. Develop cooperation in the field of energy security, diversification of energy resources and development of domestic energy markets of African States, taking into account the right of each State to formulate its own national policy in this area with due regard to their obligations under international law.

57. Emphasize the importance of enhancing energy security and market stability by strengthening value chains, promoting open, transparent, and competitive markets, ensuring the protection of critical energy infrastructure and condemning terrorist attacks against any critical infrastructure, including energy infrastructure.

58. Promote balanced distribution of risks and responsibilities between energy producers and consumers to support African developing countries, as well as to facilitate a just energy transition and relevant international cooperation.

59. Promote food sovereignty and security for African States, particularly net food importing countries, inter alia, through cooperation aimed at developing Africa's own sustainable agricultural production, including technology transfer.

Scientific and technical, humanitarian, educational, cultural, sports, health, youth and information cooperation

60. Develop cooperation in the field of education, facilitate participation in joint research projects, organization of scientific conferences and seminars, expansion and deepening of collaboration between educational institutions of the Russian Federation and African States. Promote professional training programmes, academic and student exchanges, as well as the study of the Russian language in African countries and the development of African studies in Russia.

61. Strengthen national health systems and improve their reliability and sustainability in the fight against epidemics, pandemics, and other public health challenges, whilst commending the work of the African Union on pandemic preparedness, responsiveness and resilience through the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

62. Consider the possibility of cooperation in the field of prevention of and response to natural disasters and epidemics, discuss ways of strengthening cooperation in such areas as promoting socio-economic development, providing humanitarian assistance, combating climate change, drought and desertification, disaster prevention and response, as well as emergency monitoring and forecasting.

63. Respect civilizational and national diversity of the Russian Federation and Africa, emphasize the uniqueness of the traditions and historical heritage of our peoples. Develop cultural dialogue in order to maintain the traditional spirit of friendship and cooperation in Russian-African relations. Strengthen cultural ties as a tool for achieving mutual understanding.

64. Facilitate the holding of cultural and humanitarian events, mutual visits of artists for the purposes of developing creative contacts, exchanging experience, participating in conferences, symposiums and other thematic fora.

65. Develop Russian-African cooperation in the field of preservation, restoration and protection of cultural property.

66. Develop cooperation in the field of sports. Promote exchanges of delegations, athletes, teams, coaches and other specialists in the field of sports training. Jointly oppose the politicization of sports within international organizations and advocate a guaranteed free access for athletes and sports organizations to international sports activities, explore the possibilities of developing new formats of sports cooperation between Russia and African States.

67. Promote cooperation in the field of tourism, dissemination of information on tourism opportunities of the Russian Federation and African States.

68. Establish cooperation between Russian and African youth organizations and promote the organization of thematic events to further strengthen and develop youth cooperation.

69. Develop cooperation in the field of information, including strengthening contacts between national media, providing professional and advanced training for journalists, expanding information exchange, implementing joint media projects, ensuring respect for the rights of journalists and promoting the development of media outlets of compatriots living abroad.

Environmental and Climate Cooperation

70. Welcome the outcomes of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt,

6–20 November 2022) and step up international efforts to fully implement, on the basis of best available science and Common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR&RC), the provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) of 9 May 1992 and its Paris Agreement of 12 December 2015, including ensuring the adaptation and greater resilience of States to the negative effects of climate change, as well as responding to loss and damage. Work on just energy transition pathways, and in line with efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in accordance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Acknowledge the efforts of African States in this field within the framework of the African Union’s Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.

71. Step up efforts to combat the effects of climate change in Africa as one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change, transfer relevant low-emission technologies, build the capacity of African States and enhance their ability to improve resilience and adapt to climate change, bearing in mind that financing climate action should not increase the debt of African States or jeopardize their sovereignty.

72. Increase cooperation to prevent the politicization of international environmental and climate action, its use to gain unfair competitive advantage, interfere in internal affairs of States and restrict the sovereignty of States over their natural resources with due regard to their obligations under international law.

73. Recognize the right of each State to choose its own best mechanisms and means for protecting and managing the environment, adapting to climate change and ensuring a just energy transition in line with national circumstances and capacities.

74. Develop cooperation in joint projects on environmental protection and sustainable development, including on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the development of low-emission energy and support for the development of a circular economy.

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