A Bright Future for Africa

Published on 23rd August 2005

The problems facing Africa are manifold, complex and overlapping. In spite of this, the continent is endowed with capable human resource to tackle them. This will only happen if the latter take position of responsibility. Africa’s embrace of the ‘victim mentality’ has reduced innovation and capacity utilization by dissipating energy in accusing rather than living up to challenges of the times. 

The authors are unflinching in their battle against afro-pessimism and call for a blending global and local approach to realize a free and prosperous Africa. It is clear that if Africa is daily failing to prepare, it is preparing daily to fail. With intra- Africa networking, constructive journalism, homegrown measures and limited government, Africa is headed to raise other wonders of the world, surpassing the pyramids of Egypt.

By challenging ourselves, reflecting together and envisaging possibilities, we have no choice except to dream the impossible, given the fact that almost all predictions paint a gloomy picture of the future of the continent.

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