Ugandans Analyse their Budget

Published on 19th June 2007

Uganda’s budget for the financial year 2007/2008 was presented to citizens of the country by the Finance Minister Hon. Dr. Ezra Suruma on Thursday 14th, June. The public received it with mixed reactions. Our reporter Judy Auma trudged the streets of Uganda to seek their views.

Ogola Nicholas, 37, Accountant.

The budget was generally positive though over-ambitious. I do know that the trickle down effect of the increased duty on fuel will spiral badly on the end users. This will mean increased costs to the producers but the final burden will be shouldered by the final consumers.

Ochieng Bradford, 40, Public Servant.

Of course it is great for the private sector with added incentives for those producing for export.

Jovina Akaki, 50, Former Minister, Tourism.

On the whole it is a proactive and developmental budget. But Tourism was given a raw deal.

Nansubuga Christine, Newspaper vendor.

The waiver of road licence and the ban on Polythene paper made my day. Those polythenes were making Kampala look like a giant garbage station. But there are two sides to every coin, many people are losing jobs due to this ban as we speak and as you know, it’s not easy to get jobs these days.

Dr. Auba Francis, 35, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist.

Too much taxation, not very encouraging is it? Then again, the government needs revenue to exist. By the way I believe in limited government.

Mwaka Emmanuel Lotukumoi, 26, politician/Journalist.

It’s not perfect but okay for economic development, at least it catered for the rehabilitation of people in the north. However, it’s always paper work, it would be best if put to action.

Dakitali Moses, 35, Teacher

Introduction of Local service tax is just another way of robbing us of more money. This is an indirect version of Graduated tax, which was only removed recently. This means double taxation; because we are still faced with the dreaded pay as you earn (PAYE).

Kitaka’ Ronnie, 24, watch repairer

I have not listened to the budget speech for many years now. The poor never benefit anything -only the big people triumph. So, why should I bother?

Mutebi John, 24, taxi driver

They scrapped the road license, only to introduce it more seriously by increasing duty on fuel. That means fares will increase, a factor that will not be received well by passengers. I fear for  local hotel owners and users who are now faced with the local hotels tax. This will definitely discourage entrepreneurship in the food industry.

Seruwange Ntulume, 60, farmer

It’s good. Ugandans will be able to acquire shelter at lower rates because of the reduction on value added tax on sale of residential properties. I also applaud the government for encouraging borrowing in the agricultural sector, by making loses and expenditures incurred by banks when giving loans deductible for tax purposes.

Kagumire Daniel, Manufacturer/ Marketer

The budget is welcome news especially because it will strengthen linkages within the East African community. The incentives are very good for the private sector but I believe it has ignored the rural population.

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