Uganda Budget Draws Mixed Feelings

Published on 17th June 2008

Uganda’s budget 2008/2009 was made public on 12th, June 2008 by the Minister of Finance Ezra Suruma. Judith Auma of The African Executive spoke to members of the public on what they thought about the 2008/2009 budget.

Jarua Alex. Residential District Commissioner.

The provisions in the budget are good especially Sectors like agriculture and infrastructure. I am especially thrilled by the boost on National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) which if properly implemented can help farmer groups venture into value addition on their produce. The only challenge is to have honest supervisors who will ensure that the programme is not only implemented, but money is channeled in the right direction.  

Jalameso Sebastian. Secondary school teacher.

What can I say? It’s pretty much the very same things year in year out. The rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, the difference between the two worlds is getting bigger. It just reminds me that I have to work harder to develop myself. 

Muhumuza Ngoboka, Electrician. 

It’s a bogus budget. This time next year, nothing will have changed in this country. You must see the deplorable state of roads upcountry. It tells you these things remain on paper. The persons directly responsible for discharging the plans in the budget have already budgeted sums of the same money into their own private enterprises. A huge percentage of that money won’t reach the right persons at the grassroots. 

Abura Richard, Community Development worker

This budget lacks regional balance when it comes to infrastructural Development. The fraction of Karamoja roads to be upgraded doesn’t commensurate with the development and security needs of the region. 

James Kasavubu. Company General Manager. 

I haven’t had time to read and digest the budget. It usually doesn’t change much for me, so I am not that bothered to read. 

Bumba Alex   Public servant. 

What is represented statistically isn’t real. It doesn’t reflect the situation on the ground. Almost half of Uganda’s population still lives below a dollar a day. What is this talk about the economy growing at 8.9% per annum? The development at the grassroots is not equivalent to what the government is portraying! 

Hon Florence Adong, Member of Parliament. 

This financial year’s budget is a good one. It has prioritized some of the sectors that are crucial for the development of this nation. The success of a budget however is the most important aspect of it all. We can only measure this budget by the success of its implementation. 

Achen Rebecca. Farmer 

The government increased spending for the agricultural sector. This is good. The National Agricultural Advisory services shouldn’t focus on the rural areas only. Farmers in the urban towns should benefit as well. Besides, the agricultural loans will be very helpful. I think in future, more investment should be made in machines and human resources in the area of value addition than just improved farming.

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