Ten Reasons why Mugabe Must Go!

Published on 16th December 2008

1. Robert Mugabe and ZANU-PF lost the harmonized presidential, senate, parliamentary and local council elections on 29 March 2008. He subverted the subsequent run-off by forcing out his opponent Morgan Tsvangirai with violence. The SADC, Pan Africa Parliament and AU observer missions denounced the 27 June run-off. Robert Mugabe is therefore NOT the legitimately elected leader of Zimbabwe. Mugabe must go!

2. Mugabe has overseen suicidal and ruinous economic policies, resulting in economic collapse, the highest inflation rate in the world and unimaginable suffering by the people of Zimbabwe. As a result, Mugabe must go!

3. Mugabe and his military henchmen are responsible for Gukurahundi, operation, Murambatsvina and opposition Mavhoterapapi murderous Campaigns that have directly and indirectly caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Zimbabweans during the 28 years of his rule. Mugabe must go!

The Power Sharing Deal?
4. Mugabe has caused a regional refugee crisis, causing millions to flee to neighboring countries. These refugees will be reluctant to return to Zimbabwe if he remains at the head of government even in a ceremonial role only. If the refugees are to return home, Robert Mugabe, the symbol of oppression, must go!

5. Mugabe has blocked succession in ZANU-PF. For ZANU-PF to move forward and try to become a constructive player in the Zimbabwean political context, Mugabe must go!

6. Mugabe is an obstacle to peaceful transition. For an interim government to carry out the necessary transformation needed for the economic, social and political recovery of Zimbabwe, Mugabe must go!

7.Throughout his political career, Mugabe’s attitude towards his opponents has been characterized by violent intolerance. There is no reason to believe that he will change now. Mugabe must go!

8. While in power, Mugabe has created institutions based on nepotism, bribery and patronage. For institutional reform to take place, Mugabe must go!

9.The “privatization” of the Zimbabwe media for the exclusive propaganda purposese of Mugabe and ZANU-PF must be brought to an immediate halt. For this to happen, Mugabe must go!

10. Zimbabwe has become a regional crisis that reflects badly on SADC. To prevent further damage to the image and reputation of SADC, Mugabe must go!

 Courtesy of the South African Congress of Trade Unions (COSATU)

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