Entrepreneurs: Engines in the Society

Published on 6th December 2005

Africa is not poor because it is deprived of entrepreneurship by predestination. Through determination, deliberate planning and resolve to succeed, we can conquer poverty. Entrepreneurs can be made. Charles Ondiek, is a business consultant. He shares some of his experiences with the African Executive.

Q. What challenges do you face?

A. Difficulties to operate in multiple countries in Africa.  For instance, my firm  targets Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia; the process of setting up in each of these countries is too cumbersome.

Q. What changes would you advocate for in the laws and regulations?

A. To get the governments to do less business and to promote more regional free trade areas

Q. What’s the future of entrepreneurs?

A. Am optimistic that given the fact that entrepreneurs jump the highest hurdles, Africa is ripe to my type of material.  I am making a difference; others are and will join in.

Q. What role do entrepreneurs play in development?

A. Entrepreneurs are the engine, they take the risks and offer solutions to needs in their immediate surroundings. Basically, entrepreneurs respond to societies needs and hence contribute to development.  My business is to offer strategies to those willing to take risks and solve Africa’s problems; these are my customers.

Q. What advice would you give to upcoming entrepreneurs?

A. They must learn and look at the bigger picture.  Our continent offers thousands of opportunities for anybody willing to forego short term gains and focus on long term.

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