African Banking Corporation Rebrands to BancABC

Published on 27th April 2009

BancABC born on the heels of Retail announcement and strong group year-end results

Regional banking group, ABC Holdings Limited,  announced that it is rebranding as BancABC, to reflect the Group's growth and transformation as it prepares to launch its retail business across all territories. Subject to regulatory approvals and starting from the third quarter of 2009, continuing into 2012, BancABC branches will be opening across Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.  The Group is currently investing heavily in technology, people, processes and channels aimed at delivering a unique retail experience to its customers.

Doug Munatsi, Group CEO
Speaking about the brand launch, the Group Chief Executive Officer of ABC Holdings Limited, Mr. Doug Munatsi said, "We are excited about BancABC, which takes our image and brand positioning to a whole new level. We are confident that it will enhance our efforts to deliver superior quality service and a unique experience to all our customers - which is our brand promise."

He added, "At the same time that we are launching our new brand, we are also adopting a new pay-off line 'Fresh Thinking. Smart Banking' which reflects a new energy and commitment to the market."

The Group's brand consultants, Brand Union, led the rebrand process. The brand itself is a reflection of the bank's planned transformation into a modern African, full-service, banking offering that includes wholesale corporate and investment banking and retail and SME banking.

The enhanced BancABC is an innovative partner that possesses the ingenuity to truly pioneer banking excellence because it is always trying to understand its customers better.  The new logo and brand proposition will be introduced in all of the countries over the next few weeks.

About BancABC

BancABC is a brand name of ABC Holdings Limited, which is a Botswana registered Company with a primary listing on the Botswana Stock Exchange and a secondary listing on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The Group has operations in Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe and has an office in South Africa.

For further information please contact:
Riad Masoet/ Kim Polley
Tel: +27-11-722-5300 / Mobile: 0027 82 445 3479

Ali Merifield
 Director Corporate Communications, Africapractice>

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