Religion and Politics: Strange Bed Fellows?

Published on 26th May 2009

Akinyi Janet of The African Executive  caught up with Pastor Malcolm David Sila a Theology student at the East Africa School of Theology and had an interactive session on church and politics. Pastor Malcolm is an online minister and the creator of the E-Church Africa and Nations Shall Be Saved.

Janet: It has been said that church and politics don't mix. What is your take on this?

Pastor Malcolm: From a Biblical standpoint, this is the case. God separated the office of the King from that of the Priest and Prophet. If church leaders would like to run for political office, they should delegate the church work to another.

Janet: Historically, when the church controlled politics, there was a lot of church orchestrated human rights abuses. Can the church be a nation's conscience?

Pastor Malcolm: The Church needs to be the society's plumbline. The church can be a nation's conscience.It should assist in governance by upholding righteousness.

Janet: How do we detribalise the Kenyan church?

Pastor Malcolm: This can be done if the Church repents and goes back to its first love.

Janet: When religion controls the politics of a nation, intolerence increases, why is this?

Pastor Malcolm: This depends with the type of religion as well as its context.

Janet: Religion has sometimes been used to win election/votes in some states. What is your take on this?

Pastor Malcolm: The church in Africa and other continents has  a key role in the affairs of every nation.

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