Does Doha Promise Hope for Africa?

Published on 1st September 2009

The current global trade pattern pits each African country against the other thereby reinforcing intra-African trade barriers. As trade ministers converge in New Delhi in an endeavor to salvage stalled Doha Round talks; it is important that each African country minister reexamine their trade policies especially on aspects of productivity and intra-continent trade barriers. 

Despite the fact that Africa is a  minor player with an estimated 3% of total global trade, the continent has been a key commodity supplier to USA and lately China which emerged a leader in global exports after Germany with an impressive $ 521.7 billion worth of exports. 

If past activities at the WTO are anything to go by, African ministers stand to lose out as they will be swamped by short term challenges such as famine, economic recession, poor health and illiteracy hence compromise the potential of preparing the continent to become a global market player. 

Africa may not have major industrial players to back up government civil servants in strategizing but it behooves the continent to invest more in internal reorganization and broadening of the internal market base than pegging its hope on Doha and WTO.

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