FDA Fetes Bingu Wa Mutharika

Published on 8th September 2009

Bingu wa Mutharika, Ph.D., bags the 2009 Medal of Glory Award Miami, Florida, September 4, 2009.  


The President of the Republic of Malawi, His Excellency, Dr. Bingu wa Mutharika is the recipient of the 2009 Medal of Glory Award. President Mutharika was chosen for the award because of his bold reforms that have resulted in the Malawi green revolution, and Malawi's increase in its economic growth rate from less than 1 percent in 2003, before he took office to more than 9.7 percent in 2008, at the end of his first term in office. 


During Mutharika's first term in office (2004-2008), Malawi achieved a high rate of agricultural production and food security.  In the 2005/2006 crop season, Malawi realized a food surplus of more than 500,000 metric tons, and during the 2006/2007 planting season, food surplus spiked to 1.3 million metric tons. Today, Malawi has the capability of exporting food to other countries in southern Africa.


Prior to being elected President, Bingu wa Mutharika served as  Minister of Economic Planning and Development, Malawi (2003-2004), Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Malawi (2001-2003), Secretary General Common Markets for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) (1991-1997); Chief, Transnational Corporation Unit; and Director, for Trade and Finance Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (1978-1990); Loan Officer (Kenya & Tanzania) The World Bank (1975-1978).


He received both his Bachelors of Commerce (with Honors), and Masters in Economics Degrees from the University of Delhi, India, and Doctor of Philosophy Degree in  Development Economics, Pacific Western University, Los Angeles.


The Medal of Glory is The Foundation for Democracy in Africa's (FDA) highest honor and  is presented to select leaders that have dedicated their professional lives to the promotion of the enduring democratic principles of liberty, freedom and development in Africa. The Award is presented, annually during the AfrICANDO Trade and Investment Symposium. 


Past recipients have included former Nigerian Presidents, His Excellency Shehu Shagari, and His Excellency Olusegun Obasanjo; Dr. Dorothy Height, Chair and President Emeriti, National Council of Negro Women; His Excellency Abdoulaye Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal; Sir  James Mencham, Founding President of  The Seychelles; Alex Penelas, former Mayor Miami Dade County;  Dr. Amadou Mahtar  M'Bow, former Director General, UNESCO; and  Dr. Sarah E. Moten, Chief of the Education Division of the Africa Bureau,USAID, among others.

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