SIFE World Cup: Kenya Loses to Egypt

Published on 13th October 2009

Maseno University SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) Team, the 2009 SIFE Kenya National Champions put up a brave fight at the  SIFE World Cup 2009 in Berlin, Germany  that involved teams drawn from 46 countries around the world, but lost to Egypt and India. Egypt is now the global SIFE World Cup 2009 Champion.

Andy Watt, SIFE Kenya Business Advisory Council Chair and MD Syngenta East Africa Ltd.; Norah Odwesso (Public Affairs and Communications Director, Coca Cola); Robert Onyango (Regional Manager, Business Development, KPMG), Derek Bbanga (CEO, Public Image Inc Ltd) and Sheila Amdany (Board Member, Law Africa Ltd) joined the SIFE Team at SIFE Kenya offices before the team left, to advise them and boost their morale. James Shikwati (SIFE Kenya Country coordinator) and Sheila Amdany accompanied the team to Germany.


Coca Cola East and Central Africa Business unit was this year’s SIFE Kenya National Champions main Sponsor to the World Cup in Berlin Germany. KPMG and Syngenta East Africa Ltd also contributed towards the team’s travel and upkeep.


Maseno University SIFE was rated best by thirty four business executives from Kenya during the 7th SIFE Kenya National Business Competition that took place May 23, 2009. The team spent a total of 7,550 volunteer hours to enable 200 people in Western Kenya improve their businesses; increase sales and make profit and conserve the environment. SIFE Kenya currently operates in 14 Kenyan universities, and has a membership of over 500 students with an alumnus of over 2,500 since 2003.   


SIFE: A head for Business...  A heart for the World!

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