Kenya Should Tap into “Youth Bulge”

Published on 1st December 2009

Andy Watt Chairman SIFE Kenya Business Advisory Council, handing over a plaque to Anne Mugoya SIFE Kenya Business Development Manager

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Kenya launched its 2010-2012 Strategic Plan on Friday 27th November 2009 in an event attended by over 70 delegates drawn from the business community, university administrators, lecturers and students. 


Since 2003, SIFE Kenya has nurtured over 2000 youths and implemented over 300 community outreach projects across the country. SIFE Kenya is the largest national business and higher education network that is preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs and business leaders to create a better world for themselves and their communities. Currently SIFE Kenya operates in 14 universities both public and private. SIFE students engage in community outreach projects which are later judged by business leaders focusing on the criteria of market economics, business ethics, environmental sustainability, entrepreneurship and financial literacy. The winning university proceeds for international competition that brings together teams from 47 countries around the world.  


Susan Kikwai (MD Kenya Investment Authority), Nyambura Koigi (MD PostBank) and Bob Okello (Coca Cola East & Central Africa, Public Affairs & Government Relations Manager)

“SIFE has helped me put the theory learned in class to test in the field, interacting with the community has also taught me great lessons in life , I would like to see SIFE grow big and impact on more lives” said Geoffrey Chege a third year Bachelor of Commerce at Strathmore University .


“Being SIFEd is best thing that happened to me, as a young graduate the experience I gained as a SIFE student set me apart from the rest. I was first employed by a multinational company and now I run my own consultancy business,” Said Nicholas Makosi a Moi SIFE alumni.


Speaking at the event SIFE Kenya Business Advisory Council Chairman, Mr. Andy Watt (MD Syngenta East Africa Ltd ) urged Kenyan business community to support SIFE Kenya and tap into the “youth bulge” challenge presented by the fact that 75% of Kenya’s population is aged below 30.  “The SIFE Kenya Business Advisory Council has created 6 sub committees to enable more participation by business leaders. All one needs is to apply.” Kenyan business leaders that partner with SIFE work directly with the youth in local universities as part of a strategy to expose them to international business ethos.


Andy Watt, Chairman SIFE Kenya Business Advisory Council and MD Syngenta East Africa with students representatives and board members during the launch of the SIFE Kenya 2010 - 2012 Strategic Plan

 “SIFE Kenya 2010 – 2012 Strategic Plan spells out what SIFE Kenya intends to accomplish and how it will raise and direct resources towards realizing the desired goals within the three year time frame,” Said Mr. James Shikwati, SIFE Kenya Country Director.


The SIFE Kenya 2010 - 2012 year Strategic plan is a road map towards strengthening the relationship between universities, business community and other stakeholders keen on nurturing efficient and productive business leaders. The SIFE Kenya strategic direction will focus on being more responsive to SIFE stakeholder needs in the ever changing and competitive environment. SIFE Kenya will also work towards ensuring financial sustainability and high value proposition to SIFE Kenya stakeholders.


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