Service Delivery: Nigerians Must Demand Better

Published on 28th May 2012

Good and concerned Nigerians must inform their people and hopefully, they get inspired to stand up and demand better. The level of despondence, hopelessness, haplessness and heaped frustrations may not be addressed by divine intervention if the people see no need to demand better.

Nigeria is multi-layered with undue choking alliances and allegiances to institutions, persons and personalities that it makes it impractical to be free to emerge. By the time one worships their local/tribal village chief to local government chieftains, elected and selected officials and of course, almighty governors and the president, the Nigerian has no time to be productive and free to live life. Of course, Nigerians gyrate but just movement often is to appease and appeal as they are on to something. The culture demands that one 'BEGS' to obtain anything from those charged to be 'serving' the people.

The posturing and hero-worshipping are just out of this world, and it's due in part to this strangulating practices that nothing gets done. Every Nigerian no matter their stand and status, wants and demands to be accorded some level of importance once placed in a position of authority. And it does not matter that such hardly adds value; collateral that is, to the well-being and meaningful strides needed to deliver basic life expectations. Jumping all over themselves but never working to free each other.

No water, no electricity, no functional educational systems, transportation is likened to wilderness journey - one never knows what they will encounter. Healthcare delivery amounts to nothing as doctors can strike in the middle of delivering care, and do demand money and other goods of tangible consideration before doing anything to save life.
Nigerians must remain defiant whether home or abroad as they demand better use and application of their collective resources.

The 36 plus 1 men that rule Nigeria, pretending to govern, are not doing the country right. Their barest efforts will not in a million years amount to considerable actions to make the sort of progress needed. As most Nigerians wonder around for their daily needs, the governors/president are busy 'DASHING' gifts/money and cars to traditional rulers; amounting to billions that could have been better applied to elevate standards of living.

The petty cash operation of the national treasury for appeasement politics, is the order of the day. It's so blatant, one pokes. Note, the traditional rulers have no constitutional role, however because of their alleged importance to uphold certain values; don't ask me what role, the governors and president all try to undo each other as they heap national resources on these effete institutions and their unproductive custodians. Black holes that depletes the black gold.

As we pull and push from all angles, let's recognize there are no ANGELS in politics just ANGLES. So what is your ANGLE?

By Ejike Okpa
Dallas, Texas.

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