Enactus Kenya to host Leadership Forum at MMUST

Published on 1st March 2016

Enactus Kenya will be hosting The Enactus Kenya Leadership Forum (EKLF) on March 4th and 5th 2016 at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.  The event will focus on the topical issue of values, integrity and entrepreneurship. The EKLF will bring together 300 student leaders from over 30 affiliate universities both public and private from across the country for a two-day session.

Guest speakers will discuss entrepreneurship, leadership, interpersonal and communication skills, career skills, values and ethics. The main aim of the forum is to provide a platform where Enactus Kenya student members, faculty advisors and business leaders an opportunity to brainstorm on challenges facing Kenyan university graduates and by extension the youth.

The Leadership Forum comes at a time when the country is riddled with corruption challenges and, therefore, Enactus Kenya is putting up this event to address and prepare the future business leaders on the challenge. A recent report on Kenyan Youth Shows that 50% of them believe that it doesn’t matter how one makes money as long as they don’t end up in jail. 30% believe corruption is profitable while 73% are afraid to stand up for what is right for fear of retribution. 

During the Leadership Forum, Each team will have an opportunity to showcase key activities at their parent university before the Opening Ceremony.  The Forum will be facilitated by business leaders and consultants selected from various industries in Kenya.

Enactus Kenya annual Key activities include- Leadership Trainings, Team Buildings, On Campus events, Thematic Events, Annual National Business and Entrepreneurship Competition, Mentorship Programs among others,  which exposes students to real life experiences.

Enactus mission is to create a partnership between business and higher education and equip students with innovative ideas that attract investment through community projects, knowledge sharing and competitions. Enactus Kenya operates under a Business Advisory Council that is currently comprised of 14 members.

About Enactus Kenya

Enactus Kenya (Then SIFE Kenya) was launched in 2003 following an M.O.U between Enactus International (Then SIFE International) and Inter Region Economic Network Ltd (IREN). The organization operates in over 25 colleges and universities, with more than 1400 students participating.

Enactus is an international organization that brings together student, academic and business leaders who are committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to shape a better, more sustainable world. Guided by faculty advisors and business experts, participating students form teams on their campuses to create and implement community projects that empower people in need. The experience not only transforms lives, it helps students develop the skills and perspective necessary to become effective, values-driven leaders. Founded in 1975, today Enactus has more than 66,500 student participants on campuses in 36 countries.

For more information, contact:

Winnie Nanjala, Deputy Director & Business Development Manager, Enactus Kenya
nanjala@irenkenya.com or enactus@irenkenya.com
Tel: +254 20 2731497
Fax: +254 202723258
Mobile: 07277208154
Or visit www.enactus.com/Kenya

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