The 6th IREN Eastern Africa Thought Leaders Forum

Published on 31st May 2016

August 24 – 27, 2016, Kenya


The Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) initiated The Eastern Africa Thought Leader Forum in August 2011. The main purpose of this forum is to identify strategies that enable East Africans to organically evolve own political and socio economic systems; identify key approaches to address recurring threats in East Africa and to nurture futuristic thinkers in the region.

Previous forums focused on how East Africans can position themselves to benefit from the Cape to Cairo Free Trade Zone; Essential elements for African leadership in the Global Jungle; African Indigenous Games of Strategy and Africa’s Core Interests: How to make Africans’ Dreams Valid.

The 2016 theme focuses on Leadership in Africa in the 21st Century; What Role for Intellectuals? The greatest challenges in Africa have been attributed to bad leadership. While it has been easy to blame poor political leadership less attention has been paid to individual, civil society, corporate and intellectual leadership and how they jointly undermine progress in the region and by extension Africa. This year’s theme seeks to explore as follows:

  1. To discuss the characteristics of African Leadership from past, present and future.
  2. To identify concrete ways of how intellectuals can shape leadership in Africa.
  3. To propose systems to identify and nurture leaders for Africa.

The forum is open to all with original ideas on how intellectuals can concretely contribute in shaping leadership in Africa in the 21st Century.

Event Date: August 24 – 27, 2016

Registration Deadline: July 15, 2016

How to Participate at the Thought Leaders Forum

Send a brief profile and how you would wish to participate should be sent to copy  info

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