The Sixth African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2016

Published on 6th September 2016

This year’s AGRF theme is Seize the moment: securing Africa’s rise through Agricultural transformation. The forum features Business to Business engagement (B2B), interactive workshops, empirical knowledge sharing and thought leader discussions covering fundamental topics on transforming agriculture notably financial inclusivity, science, technology, innovation, agri-mechanization, infrastructure, human and institutional capacity development, youth and women in agriculture, agricultural inputs, trade, markets, and role of domestic private sector. The forum has side events on fertilizer, climate SME development, digital harvest, and ministerial roundtable sessions with key stakeholders.

The forum has attracted notable speakers globally who share a dream of transforming the agriculture sector in Africa. During this forum, an inaugural launch of “The Africa Food Prize” will be held to celebrate individuals and institutions that are transforming agriculture in Africa.

The AGRF was launched in 2010, following a three year series of African Green Revolution Conferences (AGRC). It has been hosted   in Accra, Ghana in September, 2010; Arusha Tanzania in 2012; Maputo, Mozambique In 2013; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2014 and Lusaka, Zambia in 2015. It has evolved into a major global and multilateral forum for mobilizing and sustaining international support for Africa’s Agriculture development under the principles of Food security, international partnership and support of Sustainable Development Goals. It seeks to bring together African Heads of State, Ministers, private agribusiness firms, scientists, farmers, Non Governmental Organizations, civil society, financial institutions, Youth and Women in Agriculture and other stakeholders to a high level dialogue on developing solid investment plans for attaining the green revolution in Africa. The Forum focuses on mobilizing investments and policy support for propelling agricultural productivity, financial inclusivity and income growth for African farmers.

Africa needs 30 billion dollars annually for the next decade to feed its millions of people who live in poverty. The AGRF has a major task to deliberate on transformative policies and answer this call through the declaration that will be made.

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