COMESA Intra-Africa Dialogue Welcome

Published on 27th June 2017

The 3rd COMESA Annual Research Forum that seeks to strengthen the participation of governments and key stakeholders in boosting Intra-African Trade and regional integration agenda by sharing and discussing research findings is a step in the right direction. The forum has tasked experts to review and discuss 20 research papers developed by researchers on key regional integration issues such as market integration, investments, the Blue Economy, industrialization and economic infrastructure.

Policy formulation necessitates undertaking empirical examination of the past and the current trends and at times forecasting futuristic occurrence. This leads to a culture of measurement. For the last 400 years, developed country populations have insisted on measurements as a means of validating their arguments, assessing progress and steering clear of whims and prejudice in place of reason and logic. It is in this light that  this COMESA initiative  should be embraced by all African nations. This will help monitor productivity, assess shortcomings and enable investment in profitable ventures. Research and Measurement will benefit help determine why economic growth  in most African nations is not trickling down to the ordinary citizen.

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