Museveni’s May Day Speech Was Misguided

Published on 1st May 2018

It is hard time taking the Labor Day Celebrations seriously, as the President for Life, the fountain of honor, never does wrong and always has the right way out of issues. He never needs checks and there is always somebody else at fault. Even as he has run the republic since 1986. It’s the Presidents bad product and lack of governance, which is the reason for the defaulting state. This is his vision, his institutions and his results. It’s not only his hands that builds, but it’s his programs, his provisions and his sort of ideals, that come to bear fruit. The lack of harvest, is because of lack of shade, water or fertilizer. Which could have been procured, irrigated the water-ways or even ways to keep it, however that is costly. Something the President doesn’t want to spend. So here are the mesmerizing quotes from the President:

“I wanted to bring Cuban doctors because our own doctors behaved very badly and unprofessionally… The doctors who went on strike made me want to go back to the bush” (…) “The issue of Cuban doctors which I keep hearing about, I wanted to bring Cuban doctors because our own doctors behaved very badly and unprofessionally, they tried to incite their fellow doctors to leave patients to die but they failed” (…) “We the freedom fighters have been working for Uganda for either no pay or low pay, I’ve been fighting for this country for the past 53 years, I’m the president of Uganda, I get a low pay, 3.6M shs salary and I accepted it in 1996, the MPs tricked me” (…) “Underdevelopment means not being able to utilize all your potential, you have potential but it isn’t fully used. That’s why we were colonized, we were colonized for political reasons however, we had also lagged behind in our potential” (NBS Television, 01.05.2018).

This is small outtake of what he did say during the speech. This is a gist, but gives you sense of the headache he has to defend himself after all these years. He is quick to blame the doctors, but who hasn’t facilitated them and given them a livable wage? That is you Mr. President.

Who hasn’t developed Uganda? That is you Mr. President. You could have made Uganda better if only you followed the 10 Point Program, that you have forgotten along the way or discarded like an old mango. Because surely, the ideals of UPM and the 10 Point Program would have revolutionized today’s Uganda. You have been on the top of the Pyramid for 32 years running, you could have, but you haven’t. It is your fault!

You can call yourself a freedom fighter, but the public doesn’t feel free. You freed them from Milton Obote, Idi Amin, Paulo Muwanga, Tito Okello and Yusuf Lule. However, you never freed them from the National Resistance Movement/Army (NRM/A) or yourself. You are free, but the people are bound by you. Because you’re not leaving, you are imposing yourself. Certainly, the meager paycheck cannot be the real deal, since you are the wealthiest in the Republic. You have more value than all Members of Parliament combined. The amounts of businesses your family owns, the vast estates and farms. You can try to lie to a novice, but pardon me, I’m not.

So this is a disgrace of a labor day speech. Where the workers are not appreciated, neither values of ethics or the safety of it. More like workers are lazy, not good enough and if you don’t follow my command, I will get someone else in your stead. Such a gentlemen, this President.

So Happy Labor Day, Mr. President for Life, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, in solidarity and for a better tomorrow, but before dawn, but we are not seeing hope with you in charge of it. Peace.

By MinBane


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