All articles in 'Letters to Editor'

Africans are Self-Imposed Doormats

At what point do AFRICANS rise from their POVERTY of MIND situation to take responsibility for what...

5th May 2020
Lessons for the Post Coronavirus Economy from the...

The post coronavirus economy will need to learn from the African informal economy

28th April 2020
Leveraging the ‘Commonwealth Advantage’ to Counter...

Strengthening the connectivity among our countries is therefore critical, so that trade flows remain...

28th April 2020
Africa and Corona: Disturbing Questions

Are you surprised that several governments are talking more IT than food and health at this time?

21st April 2020
Investing When Markets Stumble Pays Off

Bear markets and recessions are nothing new and that there are bright spots to be found even in sect...

15th April 2020
COVID 19: Africans Should Be Treated with Sensitiv...

Africans may be poor but not crazy. They might have poor health services but not poor hearts. Africa...

15th April 2020
We Should Not Go Back to Business as Usual After C...

It is important that we never go back to the business-as-usual that we knew before coronavirus

8th April 2020
African Response to Coronavirus Pandemic

Africans should do everything under the sun to radically increase the immunity of all Africans all o...

7th April 2020
How Safe is the Air in Planes?

According to the studies of the European Aviation Safety Agency, the air in the aircraft is changed...

24th March 2020
Mama Kamukunji Jua Kali: The Forgotten Heroine

It takes hard work, self-determination, discipline and collective action to build oneself and overco...

10th March 2020
Global Economy Outlook

Global economic prospects remain subdued

3rd March 2020
Scramble for Africa: What Should Africa Do?

Marcus Garvey taught us that throughout history, weaker species have been rendered extinct by strong...

25th February 2020
South Sudan Truce: Will Kiir and Machar Deliver?

Your hunger and thirst for power have brought us down to where we are today,

25th February 2020
Valentine’s Day: The Irony

Valentine’s Day, like all modern holidays, has become a widely commercialized holiday, with the aver...

18th February 2020
Thabo Mbeki’s Sanitization of De Klerk is Embarras...

Mbeki refused to endorse a class action against US corporations that did business with the apartheid...

18th February 2020
AU ECOSOCC Wrangles are Detrimental

It is an in-house issue for grown-ups to learn and fix.

4th February 2020
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A South African Reflection

You don't have to visit South Africa for very long today, especially on university campuses, to lear...

28th January 2020
BBI Initiative: Proposals by Kenyan Diaspora

The BBI, whose extended mandate was gazetted by the president gives Kenyans a second opportunity

21st January 2020
Dr Martin Luther King's Dream Now A Nightmare

I can't help but to ponder what he would say about the current state of Black America specifically,...

21st January 2020
Kenya: Does the Government Have a Moral Authority...

In these hard times, the government has seen it necessary to extend the tax bracket to include Jua K...

14th January 2020
Extreme Natural Events Reversing Development Goals

I express my heartfelt condolences to all families and communities who have lost loved ones in the t...

14th January 2020
Leave Libya Alone: Ghassan Salameh

The country is suffering too much from foreign interference in different ways

7th January 2020
Africa and Diaspora Engagement

Africa is not with begging bowl to be dictated to as designed.

7th January 2020
Love, Life and Power

Hate, greed and selfishness are side-effects of misunderstanding or mishandling of love, life and po...

31st December 2019
BBI: Whose Document is It?

Wanjiku knows it is not her document and will wait to be told what next

17th December 2019
Dam Filling Delay: Egypt Should Compensate Ethiopi...

Ethiopia must accept compensation for Egypt’s demand to delay the filling of the Ethiopian Dam.

26th November 2019
Why the ANC is Not in Control of South Africa

South Africa is in the mess it is today because the ANC literally fought against Africanist inclined...

26th November 2019
The Imbroglio Between Africans in The DA and its W...

The imbroglio between Africans in the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the DA’s white power structure is...

5th November 2019
Showing page 11 of 15 (446 articles found)

African Perceptions of the Eur...