White supremacy is an historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and opp...
20th March 2019Ethiopia is preparing for its 4th population and housing census planned to be held early next month.
19th March 2019What can we expect from the court’s rulings? It can rule in favor of either one of the petitioners.
12th March 2019International Women's Day, observed worldwide on March 8, is primarily to recognize and highlight wo...
12th March 2019Despite AI-based transcription services undergoing serious improvements in recent years, their limit...
5th March 2019The Black Consciousness oriented Azanian People’s Organisation launched its manifesto in Mahwelereng
5th March 2019In developed countries exports and imports consistently account for a considerable amount of the cou...
26th February 2019There is a cold war between African Americans and Africans in Africa.
26th February 2019Arise, Africa, for now is your destined time!
20th February 2019Payment systems built around distributed ledger technology (DLT) operate by maintaining identical co...
19th February 2019Racism is not just based on skin color or ethnic background.
19th February 2019Recommends that clinical trials of medical interventions routinely collect social data to better tai...
12th February 2019Our prosperity hinges heavily on the interdependencies of our economies
12th February 2019South Africans are the strangest people one can come across on the African continent. Most of them t...
5th February 2019Africa is an increasingly important trading partner for Norway
5th February 2019A little less complaint and whining, and a little more dogged work and manly striving, would do us m...
30th January 2019Preconceived ideas and inadequate analysis prevent investment into the continent
22nd January 2019Bitcoin, the world's first cryptocurrency (or virtual currency), long obscured with a reputation as...
15th January 2019Since the collapse of the Soviet-era politics, an appreciable level of media cooperation has never b...
8th January 2019Mere availability of glaring opportunities does not attract investments.
2nd January 2019The year 2019 will see the APT world split into two groups: energetic and inexperienced newcomers wh...
2nd January 2019Did you know that one thing that doesn’t take a holiday, is domestic abuse?
25th December 2018The 20 years since then have seen a marked rise in the economic weight of emerging market economies...
11th December 2018In general, we cannot help noticing that unfair competition often takes the place of fair and equita...
11th December 2018Sing your song. Sing it loud, and sing in your own voice your own way.
5th December 2018This year marks the fifty fifth anniversary of the assassination of US President, John Fitzgerald Ke...
27th November 2018The demolitions should consider the implications and the injustice to all the innocent, like second...
20th November 2018Membership Puzzle Project, based at New York University, is partnering with Luminate and Democracy F...
14th November 2018Towards the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area in Eastern Africa
13th November 2018