The document proposes strategic actions to maximize the UN's beneficial presence in Africa amidst th...
4th June 2024The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a presidential statement aimed at strengthening the role...
4th June 2024The rise of both state and non-state consequential powers with the capability to project their natio...
28th May 2024What matters in the whole process are independent monetary policies focused on economic growth.
28th May 2024This discussion paper is part of the preparatory materials for the 21st IREN East Africa Media Forum...
20th May 2024Leaders should take heed that the impact of these factors on workplaces can manifest directly in red...
14th May 2024The AfCFTA is handicapped by distrust, less innovative and non-productive private sector, fragile re...
3rd May 2024All African countries are bound to wake up to a common understanding of the true meaning of their co...
3rd May 2024Vladimir Putin intends to restore the might of the Soviet Union, including its influence over the Af...
9th April 2024One South African company has however landed on the key to accessing the best global talent without...
9th April 2024. It is unacceptable that certain countries must be at the table while others can only be on the men...
2nd April 2024We are facing serious turbulence in an increasingly chaotic world.
2nd April 2024The world has seen more progress for more people than ever before.
27th March 2024Data will play an invaluable role in helping public and private sector stakeholders across Africa id...
27th March 2024Since achieving independence in 1960, Somalia has adopted three constitutions, two charters, and one...
19th March 2024In practical terms, Russia has maintained 'cordial relationship' with Nigeria after the collapse of...
19th March 2024Load forecasting, designed to ensure there is ample supply of electricity to meet demand, has been a...
13th March 2024So if we are truly to end energy poverty in sub-Saharan Africa, we are going to have to increase the...
13th March 2024A recent Kaspersky study has revealed that more than 50% of companies surveyed have implemented Arti...
6th March 2024This theme is also in line with the proposal made by the UN Secretary General to be considered durin...
29th February 2024The construction sector has one of the biggest carbon footprints in the world. It is responsible for...
20th February 2024The key to overcoming these challenges lies in aligning operational tools, processes, and personnel,...
20th February 2024According to French historian Camille Lefebvre, the colonial past remains strongly embedded in the m...
13th February 2024Facebook, world’s largest social media network owned by US-based Meta, turned 20 on February 4
13th February 2024There is a compelling need for alternative and compensating measures that can help do justice to the...
6th February 2024National climate plans aren’t just pieces of paper, they must be backed by robust policy instruments...
6th February 2024As Kaspersky continues to reveal insights from the Kaspersky Security Bulletin (KSB), the company's...
12th December 2023Three new Presidia created at the end of 2023
12th December 2023The East African Community has once more expanded its borders and market size with the admission of...
28th November 2023I will use my time to talk about the financial system of the future: what we want from it, what woul...
28th November 2023