Economic relationships can’t simply be about building countries’ infrastructure with foreign labor o...
28th July 2015India is the fourth largest energy importer in the world and has been involved in seeking cooperatio...
9th August 2015The Africa Rise construct bears semblance to the African Renaissance and to a certain extent, the Pa...
9th August 2015Why aren’t young people in the developed countries queuing up for jobs as is the norm in developing...
10th August 2015President Buhari, reminds us of President Obama when he first came to the presidency in 2008 facing...
31st August 2015Perspectives of business contacts between Russian and African business are underestimated
7th September 2015Nigerian girls protest against abductionsThe menace – Boko Haram must be battled essen...
7th September 2015Kenya should invest in its relationship with Japan and shun from treating Japan as second fiddle
7th September 2015Kiir and MacharThe civil war in South Sudan after the secession from the north makes Oma...
7th September 2015If more African nations can find ways to translate their current exceptional economic growth to long...
14th September 2015Under President Obama’s leadership, the United States is redefining the way we engage with Africa—no...
5th October 2015Let’s invest in our greatest resource -- our people -- their education, their skills.
5th October 2015As a community, it is in our interest that we accommodate all the stakeholders in the process so tha...
6th October 2015The Syrian turmoil is a modern incarnation of the same contest with Russia/US seeking their national...
19th October 2015One of the noteworthy aspects of Indian peacekeeping in Africa is its role in humanitarian activitie...
29th October 2015African countries which successfully manage both the creation of a manufacturing industry around the...
3rd November 2015Local laws have to be strengthened to meet this threat while doing so without sacrificing the human...
15th November 2015Africa has raw materials. Europe has technology. If the two will agree to exchange their products, c...
15th November 2015Even though the remittance market is big (the World Bank estimates put it to $400 billion a year) an...
14th December 2015America votes for a new president in 2016. If the last British election is of any lesson, it is the...
14th December 2015Syria’s current Trajectory can only change if secondary players-US/Russia-Shelves their national int...
15th December 2015Africans have not failed to note the mad rush towards regionalism by heavy weights in the trade worl...
15th December 2015Civil society has long witnessed and condemned the unfair negotiations process in the WTO, in which...
15th December 2015China sincerely wishes to help Africa and in turn, to help herself through "win-win" cooperation bas...
30th March 2010The absolute number of slum-dwellers worldwide has increased by 55 million since the target was firs...
5th April 2010The coalition of world troops has been imposed on DR Congo to help plunder resources, cover up ongoi...
26th April 201083 percent of people on this planet are without independent press. 83 percent do not know what is go...
15th May 2010By Marko Papic, Robert Reinfrank and Peter Zeihan Rumors of the imminent collapse of the eurozone c...
18th May 2010We ought not to watch our people inside or outside the Continent engage in self annihilation.
31st May 2010We cannot move forward this integration project in an atmosphere of bad faith and mistrust.
4th June 2010