All articles in 'Democracy'

Selfish Africans Will Advance True Democracy

The political elite should by now have noticed that in the long run subjecting people to poverty doe...

21st December 2007
The Kenyan Liver Has Been Protected!

Democracy is simply a tool for liver jugglers to determine when, and who ought to be in power. Liver...

1st January 2008
Kibaki Must Step Down!

Those who seriously and judiciously want to help Kenya should tell Kibaki the truth which is in Keny...

7th January 2008
Kenya Election: Democracy is at Stake!

With Kenya going up in smoke, and her people dying and beaten - including our world renown athletes...

8th January 2008
Kenya Scores Poorly in Integration Bid

The world can now see the fire we were heading into. Had Kibaki lit the same fire in the EAC, where...

29th January 2008
Is Democracy Working in Africa?

Democracy means much more than elections.Respect for individual and minority rights and tolerance fo...

5th February 2008
The ‘Solomon Option’: Will it Work for Kenya?

Let us face it. No price tag can be put on human life. Kenya is more than ODM and PNU, Kibaki, Raila...

11th February 2008
Tribalism in Africa: A Western Creation?

The bloodlettings in Kenya, Chad, Congo, and elsewhere are but the warning tremors of the very thing...

12th February 2008
Kosovo Independence: Which Way for Africa?

Should Kenya and other African countries explore devolution as a tool to bring stability and cohesio...

19th February 2008
Zimbabwe: The Morning After

For the first time since 1980, Zimbabwean voters are awake to the fact that their vote will usher th...

29th February 2008
Kenya's Opposition Must Adorn a Smart Survival Kit

Since the 1970s, more than 30 peace accords and power-sharing deals have been brokered in Africa but...

29th February 2008
Dr. Simba Makoni Might be Clean But…

There's something about the deficiency in public service in 'independent' Africa that drives citizen...

18th March 2008
The Fallacy of Political Pluralism in Zimbabwe

Proliferation of political parties will have no bearing towards a transformation to free market exce...

25th March 2008
Uganda: The Battle for Democracy Continues

For two decades, Uganda has operated without political parties. These were suspended when President...

31st March 2008
Zimbabwe Elections: Tsvangirai and Mugabe Dig Own...

Zimbabwe's electoral system is so discredited that no amount of demagoguery by SEOT can sanctify the...

1st April 2008
Zimbabwe Elections : Out of the Frying Pan into th...

I am uncomfortable with what I believe to be the MDC’s old-style client-patron relationship with the...

1st April 2008
Truth about Genocide still Haunts Kagame

Several underlying issues about the genocide still need to be unearthed. The world deserves to know...

7th April 2008
External Pressure Unnecessary On Kagame

Sovereignty demands that a state be free from interference from external forces and one that is inde...

14th April 2008
Zimbabwe: Thabo Mbeki Loses Final Test on Politica...

If not announcing critical results after an election is “a normal electoral process according to the...

15th April 2008
Large Cabinet is Good for Kenya

If the size of cabinet increases, then there is less national cake to be shared privately among his...

15th April 2008
China’s Hand in Zimbabwean Gridlock

When Chinese President Hu Jintao promised five billion United States dollars in loans and credits to...

22nd April 2008
Jendayi Fraser’s Utterances: A Prescription for Ch...

This is an incurable habit of the West: the inability to stop condescending, directing and ordering...

28th April 2008
Malawi: Will Bakili Muluzi be Recycled?

What new thing will he do for Malawi that he failed to do for two terms in office? If anything, M...

28th April 2008
Press Freedom Wanting In Africa

Africa will not experience democracy if the Press is not allowed to keep the populace informed and h...

6th May 2008
Is the Political Terrain too Rough for Women in Af...

Since changes in society normally come through the political process, the need for women to be among...

13th May 2008
Zimbabwe: Does Mugabe Have Another Face?

Doesn’t the winning by the Zimbabwean Opposition of more votes in both parliamentary and presidentia...

27th May 2008
Rule of Law and Peace Building

When Nelson Mandela and his political elite came up with peace deals with top apartheid elites; they...

27th May 2008
Zimbabwe: Grace Mugabe Speaks Out

If Lady Grace has what it takes to make serious political material, why does she not step out of he...

3rd June 2008
Obama Victory: Africa Celebrates

Obama, as head of the administration might be willing to encourage less unfavourable policies toward...

9th June 2008
Obama: Democrats Have Defied Arrogance and Racism

I still can’t understand how Obama’s despoilers are not comfortable with his colour and history whil...

9th June 2008
Showing page 16 of 17 (483 articles found)

African Perceptions of the Eur...