Rooting for Youth-Led Agribusiness Solutions in Africa

Published on 8th December 2020

Innovators drawn from 14 Lake region counties in Kenya on the 3rd and 4th of December 2020 converged for the IREN Technologies and Innovations Platform 2020 (ITIP 2020) to showcase and pitch their smart solutions aimed at mitigating challenges across agricultural value chains.

They exhibited technology and smart solutions that address the challenge of cash flow among smallholder farmers, petty theft that curtails productivity in crop and animal husbandry, use of rudimentary processes in production and connection to major market centers

It is estimated that 75 percent of Africa’s population of nearly 1.3 billion are under the age of 35, with a median age of just 19.4. Nearly half of Africa’s population are under the age of 15 and the incredible statistics do not stop there. By 2050, the continent's 18-35 demographic is projected to reach more than 800 million.

Digital technology and computing power offer concrete hopes for innovation and prosperity and freeing the sector of its stigma - drudgery and poor income prospects. Africa’s youth must be equipped with the tools, resources, knowledge and strategies they need to take the lead in helping to develop sustainable and creative solutions to the continent’s challenges.

Youths are doing their best as seen in the many thriving startups, industries and technologies around Africa that have been built by them. Stakeholders must come on board to help them youth develop winning strategies with which tackle everyday Africa’s challenges. The youth need continued guidance, mentorship and help in order  to make the most of the resources and opportunities that will continue to present themselves in the coming decades.

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