His passing represents a significant loss, not only for Germany and the international community, but...
4th February 2025She was deeply committed to social justice, using her voice to champion the marginalized and challen...
16th January 2025Building a resilient job market
21st August 2024Theme: Adapting to Power Shifts: The Future of the United Nations in a Multipolar World
14th March 2024The current volatile situation in the Sahel calls for a coolheaded look at the fundamentals of the e...
25th September 2023Unfortunately, the strategy is trapped in conventional European thinking, and that includes a tenden...
20th April 2023Global powers have competed to tailor Africa’s social, cultural, political, and economic landscape i...
1st February 2023Rapid population growth in the 20th century reflects public health progress, which lowered infant an...
16th November 2022The socio-economic crisis occasioned by the Russia-Ukraine war place Africa in a dilemma of whether...
27th July 2022Although the European influence in Africa dates back several centuries, this influence is rapidly dw...
28th June 2022China must clearly explain its position on these acts of racism on Africans.
22nd June 2022Kinshasa wants to see something more tangible commensurate to the wealth plundered and suffering met...
9th June 2022We mourn the passing on of a giant and a great African economist Prof. George B.N. Ayittey.
13th April 2022Since the beginning of this year, DR Congo has appeared in the news in various shades
29th March 2022Unresolved conflicts over shared water resources in Africa could escalate into full-blown diplomatic...
23rd February 2022Ethiopia is such a huge (people) dam that if it overflows, all neighbouring countries will be advers...
26th January 2022The Intra-African Trade Fair could be a concrete step towards the continent writing its own economic...
16th November 2021A protracted struggle in Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan will be a disaster for the region
9th November 2021Racism continues to bring shame to the sport. The steps that respective authorities and team members...
13th July 2021Trouble is brewing in eSwatini, the country of Africa's last absolute monarch King Mswati III.
29th June 2021African experts must interrogate these ‘new’ remorse narratives and find out what they intend to ach...
1st June 2021Inter Region Economic Network is delighted to launch a book entitled The Future of Africa in the Pos...
18th May 2021IREN will engage journalists and IT professionals to explore Digitalization and Framing of Political...
4th May 2021Russia’s moral standing is most likely to be put in jeopardy for using a health scourge to settle po...
13th April 2021Shipping has resumed in Egypt’s Suez Canal, a man-made waterway constructed between 1859-1869
30th March 2021Tanzania has weathered many storms. With unity of purpose, Tanzania will heal and continue playing a...
18th March 2021While wishing President Magufuli well, The African Executive appeals to President Magufuli’s family...
16th March 2021The challenge is open to participants in all disciplines
10th March 2021Recreating this image demands establishing meaningful and rewarding presence in the world’s economic...
24th February 2021Africa continues to face major structural transformations in a bid to develop and establish presenc...
3rd February 2021