Kenya 2022 Elections: Ruto Should Substantiate Rigging Claims

Published on 29th March 2022

Dear Mr. William Ruto,

Allow me a wee bit of your time to the following important issues that resonate with you individually and Kenya in general. Since you fell out with your boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta, many things have occurred. All started when he shook hands with his former nemesis, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga on 9th March, 2018. We all understand you didn’t support this milestone for the duo and Kenya. However, your boss said that you were informed about everything it but later, you started complaining that his move had destroyed the UhuRuto dalliance.

You recently alleged that Kenya’s coming general election will be rigged to favour Odinga. These are damningly serious allegation that can’t be swept under the rug.

Can you tell us what we don’t know that you know? How spot-on are such allegations? Speaking at the Karson Institute for Race, Peace and Social Justice in Loyola University in Maryland USA, on 2nd February, 2022, you were quoted as saying, “as a leader, I have taken the position to speak against any attempts to try and straightjacket people into predetermined outcomes. We would have expected to do this without the baggage of blackmail and intimidation that is going on but unfortunately that is where we are” (Sic).

You went ahead to announce that you will launch your parallel tallying centre despite knowing that it is illegal and unconstitutional. To jog your mind, Odinga was quoted as saying that “last election [2017], when we demanded to be allowed to set up a parallel tallying centre, he [Ruto] is on record saying that would be unconstitutional. Now he is saying he is going to set up a parallel tallying centre so he is basically living in contradictions.”

Who is telling the truth or lies between you and Mr. Odinga?

Mr. Ruto, by creating doubts about the credibility of votes, do you mean that you won’t accept the results shall you not win?  Are such allegations a pre-emptive move to complicate things? Don’t you know its ramifications?! Have you easily forgotten the 2007/08 bloodbath and bad politics? Have you forgotten the ICC saga Sir? Are you serious or just seeking sympathy from voters after sensing defeat?

Are you crying foul because the shoe is on the other foot, or do you’ve any believable evidence to substantiate your allegations? As the President to be, you need to show believability and probity in whatever you do, say or stand for.          

Why would Odinga rig if he won three elections without rigging? Refer to Moses Kuria (MP for Gatundu, South), who was recently quoted as saying “we are the ones who maintained Uhuru, and we are the ones who used to steal votes for him.” The bolded words back Odinga’s allegations that his three wins were stolen. How did Odinga win three if the government that conducted and presided over the election was UhuRuto’s? Based on that, don’t you see that Kuria’s exposé speaks to the facts that Odinga had the numbers, which he still has plus the backing of the outgoing president? Mr. Ruto, are you implying that you’ve already lost?

Kenya is bigger and more important than us individuals. Let us be fair to ourselves and others as we seek to maintain the cohesion, peace and stability Kenya has enjoyed as the result of the handshake. If you lose just shake hands and try another time instead of thinking it’s the end of the world. Politicians come and go, and Kenya will always be there. Let’s also be truthful to our people and the country at large.

Mr. Ruto, since you’re in the know, please divulge your evidence in order to unearth this dangerous and ghoulish scheme against the constitution and justice. Submit them to the authorities. Italians have proverb that never point out the mistakes of another with a dirty finger. Enough is enough.

Let presidential contestants put their houses in order before making damning allegations. Mr. Ruto, can you please present your evidence to substantiate your claims? How’ll the coming elections pan out? Please clear the air before that. Blessed be and embark on clean and patriotic politics.

By Nkwazi Mhango

Lifetime member of the Writers' Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador (WANL), an expert in Terrorism and author of over 20 books among which are Africa Reunite or Perish, 'Is It Global War on Terrorism' or Global War over Terra Africana? How Africa Developed Europe.

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