Self Determination: Is Africa Finally Rising?

Published on 25th September 2023

Afrocentrism is a liberal concept that propagates the unity and sustainable empowerment of global Africans and the African continent. It is an outcome of the evident, eternal and duplicitous neo-colonial ploy of foreign powers to sustain African servitude.

It is obvious that the diplomacy and interactive support of global powers are designed to disable and keep Africa permanently servile, poor, ignorant and useless. It’s a collective and vicious net beautifully woven to seriously decelerate our progress. Our imperial donors covertly aid and sustain African despots and then preach democracy to us! They inspect our elections in order to indirectly influence outcomes that suit their agenda but we cannot do so in their territories; they adore strong institutions in their nations but covertly assist in rendering ours useless!! Should we then blame them for Africa’s ills?

Well, not entirely. We have consistently had a bunch of clueless African kleptocrats who clamour for political power only to quickly get rich through donor funds when in fact the abolishment of the need for donor funds should have been the core aim of African politics! Most of these myopic and thieving African leaders quite ignorantly localise African politics, weaponise the tribal card, usurp constitutions, entrench morbid violence, ignorance and instability to such an extent Donor Aid- the real elephant in the room- is completely ignored. So we end up only fighting each other like useless ferrets in a sac with no useful outcomes ‼️

Any hope for Africa? Yes! There is massive hope for Africa but this hope only lies in a real Federal African Republic. What really terrifies all global powers, in relation to Africa, is not our bogus threats of switching donor allegiances from A to B or vice versa; not the useless anti-foreigner chants in the streets or futile breast-beatings or melodious songs in riots; No‼️ It is the heroic crystallisation of an African Federal Republic that synchronises African policies, vision, fight, determination and brain power to blast away the vestiges of slavery. No African nation can successfully fend off the sustained onslaught of Globalism. African nations will never be sovereign as long as we remain economic slaves and no real sustainable development, in African context, will ever materialize until African nations are collectively empowered and defended by a globally powerful, resilient, technologically mobile, competitive and productive African Republic.

So are there current signs of future African renaissance? Yes, encouraging signs of a brighter future abound. Firstly, in addition to our vast residue of globally vital raw materials, our increasing density of youthful population speedily emerging from the mental capture of old is brilliant for the systemic and Afro-Industrial Revolution flashing on the horizon. Secondly, the reincarnation of true patriotic African progressive visionaries, like Nkrumah and Sankara, through emerging heroic military regimes openly standing up to imperialism in Africa is heart-warming. It is rattling the walls of colonialism. This could become a catalyst for the acceleration of our much awaited African Federal Union. Thirdly, the increasing confidence of African civilian governments to covertly and overtly forge new global paths and stand their ground in the face of foreign intimidation is refreshing. For instance, one applauds President Bio of Sierra Leone for commendably rejecting USA’s audacious ploy to dictate electoral outcomes in our nation’s June 24th elections; South Africa’s membership of BRICS might not be the magic bullet that eliminates the African Problem but it accentuates Africa’s new trajectory towards self-sufficiency

In conclusion therefore, one can safely predict that the odds against Africa’s renaissance will continue to be quite formidable. The era of Africans’ real freedom to rise and shine is fast approaching and unstoppable. It will be fought against, undermined, frustrated and demotivated as usual but as sure as daylight follows night, Africa will be free to achieve its global potential through our glorious and formidable Federal African Republic.

By Bashiru Vandi

Progressive exponent of Afrocentrism

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