Sierra Leone Should Welcome Constructive Criticism

Published on 19th March 2025

Sierra Leoneans have been made to believe that the government is above the law, that our so-called leaders can do whatever they deem necessary at their own discretion, at any given time, without consequence. This dangerous precedent is undermining democracy, justice, and the very fabric of our nation.

The media, once a pillar of accountability, has been fully captured by the state. Traditional media houses, once fearless, have succumbed to the pressures of financial incentives, political affiliations, and outright state intimidation. Social media, once a refuge for free speech, is now infiltrated with propaganda machines, controlled narratives, and state-sponsored misinformation. But all hope is not lost, for there remains a beacon of truth: the Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora.

Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora have taken up the responsibility of being the watchdogs of the government. Armed with research, resources, and the privilege of free speech that those at home are denied, we expose the hidden secrets of the rampant mismanagement of our country. We amplify the voices of the silenced, document the corruption, and call out the injustices that the local media dares not touch.

But what do we get in return? Threats, defamation, and intimidation. And most recently, the dismissive and condescending retort: "Pass if yu nor cam na Salone!" This phrase, now parroted by government supporters, implies that those in the diaspora have no say in Sierra Leonean affairs because we are not physically present in the country. It is a phrase meant to discredit, to delegitimize, and to silence dissenting voices from abroad. It is an insult to every Sierra Leonean abroad who contributes to the country’s economy, development, and governance in one way or another.

The reason the government and its enablers fear Sierra Leoneans abroad is simple: we cannot be easily silenced. Unlike those within the country who can be arrested, blackmailed, or financially starved into submission, we in the diaspora operate beyond the reach of the government's coercive tactics. We do not need government contracts, nor do we depend on state resources for survival. Our voices, therefore, remain independent and untamed.

Moreover, many in the diaspora have access to global platforms, media outlets, and advocacy groups that shine an international spotlight on the government's misdeeds. When we speak, it is not just Sierra Leoneans who listen; the world listens too. And this terrifies those in power who prefer to operate in secrecy.

Those who chant this phrase often do so for one of two reasons: they either directly benefit from government corruption, or they are so disillusioned that they believe any criticism of the government is an attack on their survival. This is the sad reality of our nation, a country where loyalty is no longer to principles but to pockets.

According to statistics from the World Bank, remittances from Sierra Leoneans abroad contribute significantly to the country’s GDP. In fact, many families survive solely on the money sent from relatives abroad. The government itself benefits from these remittances through taxes, foreign currency inflows, and economic stability. So, if our money is good enough for Sierra Leone, then so are our voices.

A Sierra Leonean abroad does not cease to be a Sierra Leonean. Our passports do not expire the moment we step out of Lungi International Airport. Our votes, opinions, and concerns about governance are as valid as those of any citizen residing within the country. We have every right to hold our leaders accountable, regardless of our physical location.

The very people dismissing the diaspora are themselves reliant on foreign ties. Many government officials have dual citizenships, properties abroad, and children studying in Europe and America. They seek medical care in foreign hospitals and vacation in places that they claim diaspora Sierra Leoneans have no right to speak from. If the diaspora’s opinions do not matter, then why does the government constantly beg for foreign aid?

The Maada Bio administration has mastered the art of silencing criticism within the country, but it struggles to do the same with those abroad. The government has employed several tactics to discredit voices from the diaspora: Character assassination of outspoken individuals who expose the truth. Government-backed online trolls who flood social media with pro-government propaganda. Direct and indirect threats to diaspora activists and their families back home. Preventing critics from returning to Sierra Leone or harassing them at the airport.Yet, despite all these efforts, the diaspora continues to speak out. And we will not stop.

Sierra Leone is on the brink of an economic, social, and political collapse. The people are suffering while the elite continue to loot and plunder. Inflation is rising, youth unemployment is at an all-time high, and basic services are deteriorating. The government has failed to deliver on its promises, and instead of addressing the issues, it is more concerned with silencing dissent.

The biggest tragedy is that the ordinary Sierra Leonean, who should be rising against this oppression, is instead defending it. Those who chant "Pass if yu nor cam na Salone" are unknowingly reinforcing their own oppression. They are telling the government that it is okay to steal, to misgovern, and to destroy the country, as long as critics are not physically present.

We in the diaspora must not be deterred. If anything, the backlash we receive is proof that our voices matter. We must continue to: Expose corruption and bad governance. Advocate for the voiceless and marginalized. Challenge government propaganda with facts. Support independent journalists and activists within Sierra Leone. Demand accountability and transparency from our leaders.

Sierra Leone belongs to all of us, whether at home or abroad. The idea that only those within the borders have a say in governance is a fallacy designed to silence dissent. We will not be silenced. We will not be intimidated. And we certainly will not “pass” simply because we are not in the country. Our love for Sierra Leone is not measured by our physical presence but by our actions to make it a better place.

To those who say "Pass if yu nor cam na Salone," we say: Sierra Leone is bigger than any one government, and we will continue to speak out because it is our duty, our right, and our moral obligation to do so. The truth will always prevail.

By Alpha Amadu Jalloh,

Author of Monopoly of Happiness; Unveiling Sierra Leone's Social Imbalance.

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