G8 to Strip Africa of Sovereignty

Published on 22nd May 2007

African states stand to lose the sovereignty they are striving to attain, entrepreneurial spirit, accountability of leaders and adorn artificial economies as Germany prevails upon rich nations to aid Africa.


Africa should set its agenda in this initial stage by saying No! to aid and demand that rich countries open up their markets to Africa's goods. In addition, Africa should prevail upon rich nations to remove trade barriers and high tariffs on African goods. The continent ought not to be lulled by the short time goals that aid offers but look inward, open its market to fellow Africa states, motivate its entrepreneurs, and get more citizens investing in productive ventures instead of politics.


We, in Africa, are concerned with the increasing focus to aid Africa, while at the same time preventing our goods from ever taking off to developed country markets in the newly invented "carbon foot-print" market barrier. The Germany leadership of G8 will be friendlier to Africa if it addressed the position of Africa in the new wave of global warming debates, and sought to wean the continent out of aid dependency.

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