Africa Does Not Need Foreign Aid

Published on 5th June 2007

Germany’s campaign to coerce wealthy nations to double aid to Africa is assuming the G8 chairmanship on a wrong note. The continent ought to learn a lesson from the G8s failure to double aid to Africa by 2010, write off debts, do away with export subsidies and adopt a fair international trading system.


The G8 countries have been occupied with other issues which are of strategic interest to them and will only come back to Africa when it is in their best interest. Depending on donor aid will keep Africa waiting and wasting precious time that should be spent in more productive activities.


It is shameful that fifty years down the line, Africa is still clamoring for the babysitting that comes from foreign aid. After fifty years of independence and receiving of foreign aid, the continent ought to be on its feet.


It is time that Africa put its house in order. Looking up to the wealthy nations is not the solution. Africa ought to have confidence that she can make it on her own, using the available physical and human resource on the continent, build sound institutions that generate wealth and open up her borders to fellow African countries for trade. By doing this, Africa shall quit the waiting end and be on the working end.

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