Grand Lunch or Grand Bait?

Published on 31st July 2007

In the heightening political bid to push for Kenya's incumbent President’s re-election, a high profile Kshs 1 million (USD 14925) per plate of lunch will be held to raise Kshs 1 billion (USD 15 million). The 1000 people who will participate in the luncheon will be drawn from business tycoons and politicians. It is ironic that Kshs 1 billion will be spent in less than 3 months to popularize a single political candidate while a similar amount was disbursed by the government to fund youth enterprises countrywide for one year.

Amazing isn't it? Political juggernauts in Kenya seem to have a well oiled mechanism to win votes, ranging from think tanks, to huge sums of money. Shortly thereafter, they will be parading Kenya as a poor country that needs aid! Is it possible to employ a similar type of zeal to marshal Kenyans to seek economic achievement without waiting for the international community?

Kenyans and by extension Africans ought to exit the politics of luring. The right candidate for Kenya ought to be one who will set Kenyans free to make billions. The politics of "luring and posturing" will lead to nothing but another round of increasing politician's salaries with a view of recovering what they have spent to secure re-election.

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