Water, Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation Program

Published on 8th July 2008

Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into Water, Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation Programmes:  An International Capacity Building Workshop Nairobi, Kenya 14-18 July 2008


Many development institutions have done very little to understand the contextual impacts of HIV and AIDS on Water, Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation programmes and have not integrated programmatic actions to halt the spread of HIV and AIDS, and mitigate its impacts. Similarly, AIDS service organisations have not analysed the role of safe water, sanitation and Hygiene in fostering quality care, prevention, treatment, impact mitigation services at individual, house hold and community. The Course focuses on strengthening understanding, generating, documenting and sharing lessons to influence policies and programmes of public and private organizations.


Course Content       

*Concept, practice, principles and processes of HIV and AIDS Mainstreaming in Water, Sanitation and Environmental hygiene programmes

*HIV and AIDS policy development, analysis and reviews.    

*Workplace responses to HIV and AIDS           

*Identifying and targeting Vulnerable Groups           

*Aligning with Universal Access Principles

*HIV and AIDS mainstreaming frameworks

*Developing and implementing policies

*Monitoring and evaluation of the response

*HIV and AIDS mainstreaming Tools


Target: This training is targeted at, Water & Sanitation Programme and Project Managers, Water engineers, Nutritionists, Home Based Care Coordinators, HIV and AIDS Programme Managers and Project Managers and officers, Health Sector Coordinators. Other individuals who are responsible for influencing or making policies to implement the MDGs and the universal access targets in Ministries of Health, National AIDS Commissions are also a prime target for the course.


Duration: 5 days 


For more information please contact:

Executive Director

Regional Capacity Building Partners (RECABIP), C/O Participatory Development Centre

6th Floor, Liberty Plaza, Off Mombasa Road Opposite, Total Petrol Station (Near Imara Daima Junction),

P.O. Box 7868-00200 NAIROBI. Tel: +254 20 21 54 39 6

Website: www.recabip.com Email: info@recabip.com

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