IREN Africa Think Tank and Business Leadership Training

Published on 8th July 2008

Date: September 4-7 2008

Venue: Venta Club Temple Point, Malindi-Kenya

Solutions to African problems rest within Africans themselves 

Whereas government and public sectors remain the largest employers, Africa is facing significant challenges in dealing with 70% of the unemployed youth. Job prospects for college and university graduates remain bleak yet they form the most energetic group to actively contribute to economic development. The youth need to engage in creative thinking and entrepreneurship with a mind focused on business. Is this achievable?

The Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) will be hosting university and diploma graduates of between 1-5 years since graduation date at the 2008 IREN Africa Think Tank and Business Leadership Training in September 4-7 2008. IREN is an award winning 2008 Top to-go-to Think Tank that promotes ideas and strategies geared towards causing prosperity in Africa. Since 2006, IREN has hosted 60 participants from over 8 countries in Africa for the annual IREN Africa Think Tank Leadership Training.

This year’s training is designed to equip graduates with the knowledge and insight needed to establish think tanks in Africa and successful business projects. Effective leadership is critical in setting up, running think tanks and businesses in Africa. The training will therefore focus on self assessment, provide an understanding of key strategic issues in think tank activities and management and offer some tools to enhance competence in business. IREN will target the alumni of this program for recruitment in its Business Units project.

The Think Tank and Business Leadership training is an annual event that empowers participants with knowledge to run and manage think tanks in Africa. IREN Think Tank Leadership Training is aimed at promoting think tank culture in Africa as part of the strategy to involve Africans in getting solutions to the problems affecting Africa.

Objectives of the 3rd Think Tank and Business Leadership Training

   1.      To share the story of IREN

   2.      To Promote a think tank culture in Africa

   3.      To Promote business and ‘do tanks’ in Africa  

The anticipated outcomes of this training will include: more Africans utilizing market economy strategies in addressing their socio-economic needs through business and creation of think tanks.

Are you a diploma or university graduate from Africa? Do you want to transform your creative ideas to money making solutions? Participate in the 3rd Think Tank and Business Leadership Training in September 4-7 2008 at Venta Club Temple Point Malindi-Kenya.

Download registration form.

For details on participation, please email to and or call +254202731497.

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