Profile of Obama's Father

Published on 21st July 2008

Barack Obama and his Father
At least Senior Obama should be congratulated for standing up and doing it his way. It is better to try than just lay down and accept things the way they are which is what most Africans do when they return; one leg in and the other some where in some western country. Who returned and who did not is not the matter. It is who returned and dared to make a difference, which MATTERS.


Whatever befell Senior Obama happens to many regardless of whether they had dreams or not. Who knows had Senior Obama accepted things and went along to get along, his son; soon-to-be US President-elect, may not have turned out so well: BLOOD DOES NOT LIE. Sometimes tragedy brings other forms of reward that may not be manifest when the pain and hurt are known/prevalent.


Africans should look themselves in the eyes and ask the question: Are they the door mats for everyone else to step all over as they make their climb?


In trying to get a change through, pain and hurt are part of the equation. And in trying to solve that equation, tragedies such as the one that befell Senior Obama will occur. Igbos has this to say and I believe, 'one should not because of the pain and hurt (including death) that come because of war and difficult life strides, shy away from fights that may change things for the better'.


Senior Obama made a difference and the road for father and son goes on forever. I believe Junior Obama carries it in his heart that he has to do something for mankind. He hears voices from graves of men and women that want to see the world a better place. Family tragedy is often a motivating factor to get things rolling, for those that turn pain into gain. And folks, Junior Obama is ROLLING on behalf of many regardless of the geography of their birth, the attendant tribal, ethnic and racial sympathies and leanings that affect how things often happen.


Isn't there some divine and invincible hand intervening in this election? Will a bi-racial off spring - Junior Obama, be the catalyst to ignite/orchestrate the long overdue reconciliation about the ugly past blacks have experienced at the hands of whites? Who would have predicted that Junior Obama a product of a black man of Kenyan ancestry of a minority tribe; - and Kenya the acclaimed origin of mankind and a white mother from Kansas, one not from privileged background, is center stage in leading a new beginning for the nation and world at large? When God works, He does so at His time and in a mysterious way. This is OUR Chance and Chances of a Life Time.


We all should jump into the stream of life and swim as fast as we can because 2008 election in US will be like no other. And come January 2009 when Junior Obama raises his hand to take the Oath of Office, the world will see a new America and one renewed with vigor and vitality to map new strides for the upliftment of everyone.


Are you ready and willing to play your part?

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