IREN Africa Think Tank and Business Leadership Training

Published on 19th August 2008

Date: September 4-7 2008

Venue: Venta Club Temple Point, Malindi-Kenya

Solutions to African problems rest within Africans themselves

Think tanks in Africa have a role to play in influencing policy, business and politics. In Africa, think tanks have a greater task of interrogating attitudes and mindsets that drive challenges facing the continent. Think Tanks in Africa also face the challenge of financing   their operations. How can one overcome the challenge of finances and   run an independent, successful think tank in Africa?

The Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) is offering University and Diploma graduates an opportunity to explore and build their careers through The 2008 IREN Africa Think Tank and Business Leadership Training that seeks to equip them with the knowledge and insight needed to establish think tanks and successful business projects. IREN invites graduates of between 1-5 years since graduation to participate in this life changing experience.

Click the link below for details:


Anne Mugoya,
The Events Manager,
Inter Region Economic Network
Nyaku Hse. Hurlingham, Argwings Kodhek Rd.
P.O. Box 135 00100

Nairobi, Kenya

Fax 254-20-2723258

Phone: 254-20-2731497

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