The 6th Africa Resource Bank Meeting

Published on 4th November 2008

Subject: 6th Africa Resource Bank Meeting
Theme: How Africa can utilize its natural resources to raise the living standards of its people
Venue: White Sands Beach  Resort , Mombasa, Kenya 
Date: November 9-12, 2008

Contact: Anne Mugoya Events Manager IREN -020-2731497, E-Mail,   for accreditation to cover the event.

Is Africa a new frontier for business simply because China and India have joined the U.S.A and Europe in mining natural resources from Africa? What is different? What is Africa doing about it?

‘This event is very important for Africa since it is expected to discuss the importance of building institutions and frameworks that will facilitate a peaceful and profitable exploitation of natural resources for the benefit of the African people’, says James Shikwati, Director IREN

The U.S.A, China, India, Europe, Japan and others are coming to Africa for resources. Africa is in a powerful position to strategically use this opportunity and join the global economy in competitive business. The continent is however floating in a quandary due to poor management and exploitation of its resources that fuel constant conflicts. How can we use these resources gainfully to tap opportunities that are calling out to us?

The Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) a winner of the ‘Top to-go-to Think Tank’ 2008 award will be hosting The 6th Africa Resource Bank to discuss resources exploitation in Africa under the theme ‘Commercializing Africa’s Resources to Promote Prosperity: How Africa can utilize its natural resources to raise the living standards of its people’. 

Since 2003 IREN has hosted over 230 participants in its annual ARB brainstorming sessions under various themes which include: - Building Africa through Trade; Property Rights in the African context; How Africa can conquer poverty through business; Turning African people into a resource and Positioning Africa in the 21st Century. The 6th ARB will focus on how Africa can utilize its natural resources to raise the living standards of its people.

The expected delegates include, Members of Parliament, Think Tank leaders, academicians, and business leaders from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Liberia, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and USA. The meeting will focus on Surface and subsurface wealth exploitation in Africa, Policy environment for resource exploitation in Africa, The African human resource and Water in Africa.


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