SIFE Kenya Annual Luncheon

Published on 4th November 2008


Subject: SIFE Kenya Annual Luncheon
Venue: Panafric Hotel
Date: November 5, 2008
Time: 12.00-2.00 pm

Contact: James Shikwati, SIFE Country Director 020-2731497, E-Mail for accreditation to cover the event.

The rising economic uncertainty caused by the global financial crisis calls for better measures to increase wealth in the country. Mr. Richard Ndungu, CEO- KPMG Kenya, will be exploring this in his talk on ‘Entrepreneurship in wealth creation for budding entrepreneurs and established business’ during the 6th SIFE Kenya Annual luncheon at Panafric Hotel, Nairobi. The event will also feature a brief presentation by Moi University SIFE team.

The 6th SIFE Kenya Annual Luncheon is hosted by Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Kenya in conjunction with the Inter Region Economic Network [IREN]. This special luncheon will bring together SIFE Kenya sponsors, universities, alumni and friends in recognition of the 2008 SIFE Kenya achievements and also the Best University of the Year in Business and Entrepreneurship Outreach.

This year’s SIFE Kenya Champions, Moi University, represented Kenya at the 2008 SIFE World Cup in Singapore where they competed with more than 45 National Champions from all over the world and advanced to the Semi-Finals. More than 1500 people attended the 3 day event in which 11 African countries participated.

SIFE Kenya and IREN have been on the frontline creating a conducive environment for business. While SIFE Students teach business people on how to be competitive in an open market economy, IREN promotes policy innovation that facilitates business growth.

A Head for Business. A Heart for the World

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