Bunge to Mark 60 Years of Human Rights

Published on 8th December 2008

To celebrate the 60 years of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Bunge la Mwananchi, Nairobi through its Eastlands network, will on 10th December 2008 hold a whole day cultural festival at Huruma sports ground, Nairobi Eastlands. The celebration will kick off from Jeevanjee Garden park with a procession tthrough the city centre, to Muthurwa market then to Huruma sports ground.  

The festival, dubbed "Politics aside: reconcilliation through justice" is part of Bunge la Mwananchi's community based reconcilliation initiative in the wake of post-poll conflict that rocked Nairobi's Eastlands and other parts of Kenya after 2007 flawed general election. The festival will celebrate Kenya's different ethnic communities and diversity; show-cased through food, songs and poetry, among others. The festival will provide a platform for grassroot to discuss and take position on recent government guideline on unga ( maize flour) and MP's taxation debate among other issues.

Protesting Kenyan Cornered
The event that will bring together an estimate of 3,000 people has attracted among others: French, Nigeria and Venezuela missions to Kenya; Amnesty International (EA), Kenya National Civil Society Congress, Kenya National Human Rights Commission and Ministry for Justice, Consitution Affairs and National Cohesion.

As fore-running to the UDHR celebration, today (December 8th, 2008), across Nairobi in the informal settlement we are holding community forums to audit grass root people's priority human right concerns in Kenya. Amnesty International volunteers are helping us to document people's sentiments and discussions which we will adopt on 10th December 2008 as representative urgent people's human right issues in Kenya.   

If you are online and want to contribute to the audit on what you consider priority grass root human right concerns in Kenya, please send an email and we will include your voice in the publication of human rights issues in Kenya.

George Nyongesa,

Bunge la Mwananchi

Website: www.bulamwa.co.ke

Tel: +254 720 451 235       

Email: mwananchibunge@gmail.com


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