7th ARB Meeting: Interrogating Governance and Prosperity in Africa

Published on 10th March 2009

Theme:   Interrogating Governance and Prosperity in Africa
Date:       November 11 - 14, 2009

Is it true that Africa lacks transformative leaders to steer it to prosperity? What is governance and the ongoing poverty and governance challenges on the continent.

The economic and governance   crisis in Africa has been blamed on "forgive and forget policy" that many African founding fathers adopted; the link between poverty, measurements and indexes used as benchmarks to drive policy on the continent; the quest for property rights and rule of law; tensions among ethnic groups over control of national cakes"; the quest for  indigenization of African economy and the role of foreign aid among  other reasons.

IREN invites scholars, politicians, policy makers,  civil society members, and business leaders among others to the 7th  Africa Resource Bank meeting to brainstorm on the theme:  Interrogating Governance and Prosperity in Africa.

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