Maseno University SIFE Kenya Torch Bearers to Germany

Published on 26th May 2009

Maseno University SIFE Team Receives Recognition at Kenya National Business Competition

Nairobi, Kenya May 25, 2009.

Maseno University SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise) Team are winners of this years SIFE Kenya National Business Competition that took place on Saturday May 23, 2009.

Maseno University presented the following projects: Kukuprenuer - commercializing chicken rearing in Western Kenya communities (Emuhaya) that traditionally keep chicken for subsistence.  "Esivalu" a project aimed at reducing the cost of producing clay pots and environmental pollution among others. Maseno University will now travel to Berlin Germany in October to compete against 47 other universities from around the world.

Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE), Kenya was launched in 2003 following an M.O.U signed between SIFE International and Inter Region Economic Network (IREN Kenya). The Kenyan program has expanded from 5 universities in 2003 to the present 14. SIFE, founded in the United States in 1975, is the world's largest business and entrepreneurship organization that targets university students on over 1500 campuses in 47 countries.

A head for Business...  A heart for the World!

Contact: James Shikwati
Telephone: 254 202731497

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