Business Calender

Published on 26th May 2009

Event: Agribusiness Forum 2009

Venue: The Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset West, Cape Town, South Africa

Date:14 - 17 June

Organiser: EMRC International

Agriculture: The engine for Africa's growth?

To address the current developments in the Agri-Food sector in Africa, EMRC is proud to announce its annual Agribusiness Forum. Following two successful editions at the FAO headquarters in Rome, this international conference moves to Africa, for the first time. The event will take place from the 14th to the 17th of June at The Lord Charles Hotel near Cape Town, South Africa. The target audience includes farm leaders, businessmen, government officials, academics and NGO's, as well as all those who look for viable business opportunities in Africa's growing agro-food sector and those who wish to collaborate on such projects. 

Empowering the Private Sector to Boost Productivity and Growth in Africa is the concept of the AgriBusiness Forum 2009, which will emphasise the private sector's contribution to development. Key sessions include; presentations of successful public-private partnerships, strategies for encouraging trade, new technologies in the AgriBusiness sector and the status of private sector investment in Africa. A tailor made business to business match-making programme will be organised throughout the duration of the conference, allowing delegates to maximise networking opportunities. To help spur growth and develop entrepreneurial skills, the forum will feature the EMRC - Rabobank Project Incubator Award; a cash prize of $15.000 for innovative agricultural projects will be awarded to the winner.

Key speakers include: 

-  Ephraim Inoni, Prime Minister of Cameroon

- José Briosa e Gala, Advisor & Personal Rep. for Africa of the President of the European Commission 

- Namanga Ngongi, President - AGRA, Kenya

- Monty Jones, Executive Secretary - Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Ghana

- Oscar Chemerinsky, Director Agribusiness - Intl Finance Corp., Member of the World Bank, USA 

- Ajay Vashee, President International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP), Zambia

- Corwyn Botha - Chairman of Agricultural Business Chamber, MD of Kaap Agri, South Africa

- Akin Adesina, Vice President for Policy and Partnership - AGRA, Kenya

- Jason Bauer, Director Private Sector Initiatives - Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), USA 

- Aicha Pouyé, Director, Intl Trade Centre (ITC), Switzerland

- Sean de Cleene, VP Africa Programmes & Business development - YARA International, Norway

The forum is hosted in partnership with the Agricultural Business Chamber of South Africa, Rabobank and FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization) of the UN. The event is organised with the sponsorship of Heineken, Monsanto, FARA, AGRA, FMO, IDC, ABSA, AFGRI, The Millennium Challenge Corporation, OMNIA, Progis and YARA and with the support of the European Commission, NEPAD, Insead, NABC and Winrock International. 

Contact: Seán Kerrigan ( / / +32 2 626 15 17)

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