Africa SMME Awards Competition

Published on 11th August 2009

Whilst most developed and emerging markets struggle to maintain minimal positive growth under the global credit crunch, Africa continues maintain a growth rate above 6%. The sustained growth in the continent is driven by favourable investment condition driven by the continent vibrant  Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs)  sector.  The SMME sector provides more than 95% of Africa’s workforce. To acknowledge and appreciate the important role the sector plays in promoting wealth and prosperity in the continent, the Africagrowth Institute will be celebrating the achievements of Africa’s Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) on the 15th of October 2009 at the Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, Cape Town(South-Africa) with a conference and Award Ceremony.

The 2009 Africa SMME Awards ceremony aims to recognise the success and vitality of the Africa SMME sector. This unique annual awards program has been established specifically to acknowledge, encourage and celebrate excellence amongst African SMMEs by giving them the opportunity to gain valuable exposure and well-deserved recognition for their global expansion ambitions. The Award ceremony reinforces Africa’s historical and current position as a leader in small enterprise development covering the period from the time of Ancient Empires to present day Africa. The Awards are the highest honours that can be bestowed to SMME owners in the continent. Winners of the Awards will, therefore, feature prominently in international media as champions in business innovation and master-drivers of Africa’s development. The main goal of the Award program is, therefore, to help the Africa SMME business sector grow and prosper, and to market Africa as an investment destination for the rest of the world.

This letter is an appeal for you to enter the 2009 Africa SMME Awards and your company might just win the 2009 Africa SMME of the Year. Benefits will include very significant international exposure, extensive media coverage, and a chance for your company to showcase itself to Africa and the rest of the world. 

Our motive is very clear- to showcase the impact and role of SMMEs in the development of Africa. We look forward to working with you to showcase the best of African’s successful SMMEs. At Africagrowth Institute, it is always our business to help your business so please join forces with us to help promote and market your company and Africa to the rest of the world.

The closing date for entries is 14th August 2009. 

Yours sincerely,

Professor Nicholas Biekpe

Director: Africagrowth Institute

 2009 Africa SMME Award

15 October 2009

Venue :  Spier Estate, Stellenbosch


Africa’s Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) are the main drivers economic growth, employment, income, trade and entrepreneurship in the continent. Africagrowth Agenda, in partnership with major stakeholders, is pleased to introduce the 2009 Africa SMME Awards. The awards, which are organised every year, will highlight and acknowledge the vital role SMMEs play in Africa’s development in the areas of poverty alleviation. The awards seek to recognise outstanding achievement in a range of practices relating to SMMEs operations.


Industrial Sector Award           

This is an award for the Manufacturing; Electricity; Gas & Water; Construction; Mining & Quarrying and Agriculture

Trade Sector Award    

Wholesale, Retail sector, Arts and Crafts

Services Sector Award           

This is an award for the Financial & Business Services; Transport Storage & Communications; Hospitality sector, Tourism

Best New Business Award

For outstanding results achieved in creating a new business, less than three years in operation, and attaining quantifiable business outcomes

Most Innovative Enterprise Award

For the outstanding entrepreneurial spirit a company possesses in pioneering new approaches and the ability to adapt and develop products and/or professional services ahead of the market

Young Enterprise Award

For the outstanding accomplishment made by a business Director and/or Owner at the age of 30 or under.

Africa SMME of the Year Award

The overall SMME of the Year recipient will be selected from the winners of the categories shown above


To be eligible, your business must satisfy all of the following criteria:

• Employ less than the full time equivalent of 200 persons and must have a turnover  ranging between R40 000 and R10 million, (±U$1415 000)

• Registered in Africa

• In active operation for at least two years;

• Be resident in Africa;

• Not be a branch of another business.


Your business is not eligible to enter if it is:

• A franchisee or franchisor;

• A club, co-operative or not for profit organisation;

• More than 50 per cent owned by another business;

• Majority Government funded or a Government agency or NGO/Donor funded;

• Part of a larger group with significant buying power.


1.Entry is free and SMMEs or nominees may enter for only one category.

2.Complete entry form template below and email or mail it to the coordinators as soon as possible. 

3.The document should be completed in MS Word as far as possible and entrant must use the template to make inter-company comparisons possible.            

4. The nominee should supply financial statements to judges on request.

5.Previous winners and finalists in this competition are not allowed to enter again.

Application information for the Africa SMME Awards should be directed to:

Dina Potgieter; Africagrowth Institute; PO Box 3628, Tygervalley, 7536 Tel: (021) 914 6778   Fax: (021) 914 4438;



SMMEs are welcome to enter ONLY ONE of the six categories.


Each submission is restricted to maximum of 2000 words and should specifically respond to the entry questions listed below. Submissions must be typed not less than size 10 font and no longer than twenty pages (i.e. your submission and supporting material together must comprise no more than twenty A4 sheets).


Submissions will be judged by a panel of SMME experts drawn from the public and private sectors, who will seek demonstrated quality, innovative techniques and strategic practice, amongst other qualities, in all submissions. Judges will mark submissions using a numeric method, and reserve the right not to award a winner in any category if they do not find entries that reach the desired standard. The decision of the judges will be final.


Supporting material such as brochures, media clippings, letters of appreciation, certificates etc. may be included where you believe they will assist your submission for outstanding achievement in the category.

A letter will be sent to all entrants confirming entries have been received. If you do not receive this letter, please let us know. All information provided will be treated as confidential. At the conclusion of the awards, copies of submissions will not be returned. For this reason, please ensure that you keep a copy of your submission for your own records and do not send in the original of any supporting documents, such as press clippings or certificates.


•Deadline for submission of material:  14th August 2009

•Finalists to be notified: 31st August 2009

•Awards banquet and announcing winners: 15 October 2009


Dina Potgieter

Africagrowth Institute

PO Box 3628, Tygervalley, 7536

Tel: +27 (0) 21 914 6778

Fax: +27 (0) 21 914 4438



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