What would Life be like if Environmentalists were in Charge?

Published on 31st August 2009

“We have a vision of rivers and streams running so clear and clean that you can bend a knee to the water, cup your hands, and drink without fear.” This idyllic scene is the goal posted on one environmental group’s website. Another defines their goal as, “explore, enjoy and protect wild places of the earth.” Yet another says they want to “protect all wildlife and plants in their natural communities.” Continuing the “protection” theme, two others state that they exist for the “protection of the forests, rivers, deserts and grasslands,” while the other is “to protect our water and air, our public lands, our rural character, and our unique quality of life.”

I want to go there. Don’t you? Who doesn’t want to live in a place with clean water? Who wouldn’t want to live in a natural community with rural character and a unique quality of life? In this utopia there would be wildlife and plants, forests, rivers, deserts and grasslands. While the environmental groups do not state this, I am sure this environmental utopia would have cherubic children frolicking in fields of daisies while baby bunnies nibble on the fresh green grass moistened by summer showers. Gentle breezes would blow and the sun’s rays would glisten off the sparkling stream as it gurgles over granite stones. Puffy clouds in the shapes of flowers, hearts, and even Mickey Mouse would float by.

We all want a green earth, clean water, fresh air and a safe food supply. Wouldn’t it be great if we could quit fighting all the evils in the world, suddenly wave a magic wand and grant all of these environmental groups their wishes? Wouldn’t the world be a prettier place, a perfect paradise? Does it sound too good to be true?

It is.

A deeper study of the aforementioned environmental groups—plus many others—reveals their true goals. If they could have all their dreams come true, we’d revert back to, at the least, Colonial days and very possibly we’d all be living in caves (though in reality, we’d all revolt before that happened). With approximately 6 billion people on the planet, assuming an average of four people per household, we’d need 1.5 billion caves—and those caves would all need to be near a fresh water source. (This does not take into account the expected population growth that could reach 8 billion by the time many energy mandates would be met.) With no plumbing or sewage processing, that water would not be fresh for very long. The hillsides surrounding these caves would be barren—stripped of wood for heating the cave in the cold months. The critters you’d think lived nearby, providing a food source, would have fled for “greener pastures.” In just a short time, people would be dirty, hungry, sick, and naked—not to mention broke.

How did we get from paradise to pandemonium with one wave of the wand? Read this carefully-documented, educational, and entertaining “Environmental Utopia” analysis by Citizens Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE) next week.


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