Call for Papers:The EU and China: Partners or Competitors in Africa?

Published on 24th November 2009

International Conference organised by the Inbev-Baillet Latour Chair of European Union-China Relations, Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, on Thursday and Friday, 4-5 February 2010.  

China’s growing presence and influence in Africa has caught wide attention by scholars, media and NGOs, which in 2008 translated into the European Commission’s Communication “The EU, Africa and China: Towards Trilateral Dialogue and Cooperation”. However, the Commission’s proposal for a trilateral dialogue and cooperation has only been met with lukewarm interest in China and Africa and its effectiveness is far from warranted. This raises some significant questions: are the EU and China rivals or partners in Africa? To what extent does China’s rising influence in Africa affect the EU’s core interests and values? How can the EU meet the challenge from China? And what is the impact of EU-Chinese cooperation or competition on Africa?  

In order to address these questions, the Inbev-Baillet Latour Chair of European Union-China Relations at the College of Europe will on 4-5 February 2010 organise a two-day international conference on the prospects for EU-China cooperation or competition in Africa. It is open to European, Chinese and African scholars, journalists, policy practitioners and representatives of NGOs. This International Conference will offer an opportunity to enhance the understanding of the EU’s role in Africa, to assess the prospects for EU-China cooperation or competition in Africa and to reflect on its impact on the continent. The diversity of the participants will contribute to establish multidisciplinary and transnational channels of dialogue among Europeans, Chinese and Africans.  

We therefore call for papers on the development of EU-China relations in Africa that contribute to the debate with original research from European, Chinese or African perspectives. Contributions will be presented in plenary and parallel panel sessions and should cover one or more of the following dimensions from the perspective of EU-China relations in Africa:  

  • Global Governance
  • Economic Cooperation and Competition
  • Humanitarian Intervention and National Sovereignty
  • Competition for Resources
  • Models of Social Economic Development
  • Liberal Democracy vs. Authoritarian System
  • The Role and Influence of Culture  

The organisers will select papers for each dimension ideally presenting European, Chinese and African perspectives respectively. There is no participation fee and the College will cover the meals during the Conference. 

The conference aims at producing two edited books - one in English and one in Chinese. Apart from the paper contributors, key-note speakers will address the trilateral relationship from European, Chinese and African points of view.  

Please submit paper proposals of approximately 500 words along with a brief CV to both Professor Jing Men and Benjamin Barton  

All proposals will be reviewed and the organisers will confirm acceptance thereafter. Participants are expected to provide complete copies of their papers, which should be around 7,000 words, in electronic form by the end of December 2010.  

Download Final EU China programme Here


InBev-Baillet Latour Chair of European Union-China Relations

EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies

College of Europe, Dijver 11

BE-8000 Bruges, Belgium

Fax: +32-50-477250

Tel. +32-50-477.258 / 257

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