Copenhagen: Way Forward for Africa

Published on 8th December 2009

As global attention is riveted on the climate change talks in Copenhagen over the next two weeks, there is great debate on whether climate change is human induced, natural or a hoax. 

Of great concern to Africa however is not whether climate change is human induced, natural or a hoax but rather how we can adapt to it so that our survival, the continued existence of other species and environmental health are guaranteed. 

Copenhagen talks should adopt a balanced and judicious approach on environmental management to avoid being converted to environmental colonialism as Africa is not ready to be part of the latter. 

On the other hand, The African Executive applauds the COMESA, EAC and SADC for setting up their first-ever pilot One Stop Border Post (OSBP) at Chirundu on the Zambia Zimbabwe border. This will increase the region’s trade and reduce border delays by up to 50%.

It is however urgent that the respective governments in the region focus on increasing the productivity of their respective populations so as to benefit from this new development. If not, whose goods will be crossing these borders?

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