The bid by the Kenya National Federation of Agricultural Producers (KNAFP) to sue the country’s meteorological department for losses incurred after the failed El Nino rains calls for the country to rethink its farming system.
The success rate of between 85 to 95 percent in crop harvesting achieved in irrigated areas such as Tana River, Hola and Bura should serve as a pointer that Kenyan (and by extension African) farmers should quit rain fed agriculture and adopt irrigation as well as technology fed agriculture.
In spite of its vast agricultural potential, Africa imports US$19 billion of food each year. At over 500 million hectares, the potential agricultural area in
Increasing farm productivity is key to food security, economic development and poverty alleviation. It has been proven that irrigated land is twice as productive as rain-fed land. Africa must therefore increase its area of irrigated land (just 4 percent of farms in sub-Saharan